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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Life of Kalei- A Shit Show


  Her name was Kalei. I met her in my early 20’s. She gave me a home when I left my abusive boyfriend. She was the medicine my soul needed at that time. There were three of us girls sharing an apartment. Our nightly ritual was tiny wineys and girlie flix with the occasional joint. Those were some of the funnest, best days of my life. 

   Through Kalei, I met my ex-husband (with whom I have two amazing, talented kids with) and my twin flame I met though my ex! I am so thankful to have known such a unique, charismatic, and beautiful woman before drugs destroyed her soul. Her story is a sad one, but I don’t want her to be forgotten in this world. She is the reason for the chain reaction of events that followed my friendship with her. She is the reason my life path took the course it did that led to my spiritual awakening and finding my life’s purpose. May her soul finally have rest.

She was born into a shit show
Mom gave birth to her in prison
She was adopted by an older couple 
With more money than they rightfully deserved
Her father with hidden dark secrets
Strolling parks for young boys
Eventually he got caught
And fled the country
Leaving her alone at 16
Not old enough to legally drink yet
But old enough to get into trouble
Her first lover hung himself
Friends and family blamed her
And drove her out of town
She headed west
To Arizona to start over
Met a tennis player from ASU
But that didn't last
She was use to a certain lifestyle
So her emptiness
Drove her to the stripper stage
Where men were her play things
She learned how to manipulate and control them
She achieved the success she was looking for
But always feeling not pretty enough
Not thin enough
Meth was the answer to all her problems
Use it, lose weight
Look great

It did the trick
Until she became addicted to heroin
And homeless
Performing sex acts for a high
In back alleys and run down motels
She went from a beauty queen
To a used up junkie
Dead at 48
Body found behind an abandoned building
In Reno, Nevada
I loved her
My heart sad when I heard the news
So much potential
So many demons
That in the end

Death gave her the only escape

Friday, December 24, 2021

The Twin Flame Journey- Separation is for Working on Yourself

Let’s talk counterparts and the Twin Flame journey during separation. I have included a picture of The Lovers and The Devil card from the Rider Waite tarot deck. Please notice that in The Lovers card that the female counterpart has her eyes on Divine (Source/God whatever your preference is but for the sake of this, I will use Divine). When the female counterpart is standing in her power as a Divine Feminine, she has her eyes focused on Divine, not her counterpart. She is listening to Divine, she is doing her lightwork, listening to her intuition, and focused on what she is being divinely guided to do. She is working on herself, clearing her energy, doing shadow work, and following her path. She is NOT worried about what her male counterpart is doing. Why? Because it’s none of her business. Separation is for working on yourself, doing what you are guided to do, not worrying about what’s going on in her counterpart’s life. If she is more concerned about what he’s doing, who he’s seeing, when he’ll come back she is not standing in her power. If she is not standing in her power she is not in her DF energy, she is the female counterpart in The Devil card. Notice that she is staring at her counterpart. That’s when everything goes to “hell”. The male counterpart in both cards is looking to his female counterpart. He is always looking to her for guidance, always. As the female counterpart, it is up to her to energetically “guide” her counterpart. If she isn’t standing in her Divine Feminine energy, how can she expect her counterpart to step into his Divine Masculine? As she heals, she energetically pushes him to heal. At the point where both counterparts stand in their Divine power, the DM will take his place as the “leader”.  Until then, it is incumbent on the female counterpart to keep her eyes on Divine and do what she is guided to do. To do everything necessary to step into her DF power. She holds space for her counterpart as he ascends into role as the Divine Masculine. She loves him, she forgives him for the things that he has done before he becomes her DM. ****This does not include abusive behavior. If he is abusive stay away.***** She understands that even though male counterparts do ascend faster than the female, they usually do not have the benefit of knowing what is happening and WILL do things based completely out of ego. She also understands that separation is necessary, not only for him but for her, as well. She spends that time doing her thing, expanding her horizons, loving herself, and finding the joy in her life. She also learns to thrive in her alone time and uses it to ascend into her Divine Feminine. She sends her counterpart love but she does not concern herself with what he’s doing in 3D and out of ego. She leaves everything to Divine and it’s timing.

~Donna Painter, Channeler

Monday, December 20, 2021

One Step at a Time


Healing is a journey

Beginning with one step

It's a hard road

With no shortcuts

And the backpack you'll pack

Will be heavy

But as the days move on

And if you're willing to keep moving forward 

The backpack gets lighter

Less troublesome 

And easier to manage

Don't be discouraged 

There will be tough days

Just keep your eyes focused 

On the vision you have for yourself

And the world will become yours 

Friday, December 17, 2021

One Hell of a Day


This is how my day started...

Woke up from a bad dream. In it, powerlines came crashing down. There are wolves in the street killing people. Men pick up guns to kill the wolves. I'm trying to hide from the danger.

Get out of bed...
With my first cup of coffee, I look up the meanings to get a better grasp on my inner conflict. Its not good! The dream meaning of wolves attacking... unresolved emotional issues as a result of someone angry with you. Killing a wolf means you feel betrayed by someone very close to you. And a downed line on a street can represent a force or power that has interrupted a person's path to many things as a result of something outside their control. Great! Someone really has it out for me and I have emotional issues (which I already am aware of).

I try to focus my thoughts on having a good day...
I turn on my space heaters in the living room (my heater on the house went out a few days ago). On the positive note, I  got to sleep in until 7a because my daughter stayed home from school the last day before Christmas break. Beats getting up at 5:20a! Yes, that was a nice thought until I tripped the breaker and I now have no heat! So out I go to the breaker box to reset the breaker. Except the damn lid is a bitch to open. Now I'm pissed! And cold! Finally I get it open and reset the breaker. I go inside finish my coffee and cry.

Off to work...
My client wants to go shopping at the mall today. I hate shopping! I've already had an anxiety attack driving to her house and am in no mood to be around crowds. As an empath I've learned to ground myself. I've really mastered this shit! But today I don't want to deal with all of the mixed energies surging through my body. The whole time shopping, I am consciously breathing and mindfully aware of my body's reaction to all of it. I get through it. Thank God!

I just want to get home...
At least that was the plan. I talked to my daughter. She's having neck pain from sleeping on it wrong. Her dad hasn't picked her up. She hasn't eaten anything all day. I can tell she just really wants me home. Half way home my tire explodes! I pull into the park near me. Yep, it's the damn tire! The blessing in disguise is that I know Discount Tire is just two blocks down the road. I say, fuck it! And drive slow with my hazards on and make it.  The guy tells me it will be a two hour wait. So I do what I always do, that I know is pathetic but works every time. I tell him how I'm a single mom. How I just left one client and still have another client to see tonight, and a daughter waiting for me at home. I was out of there in fifty minutes!!

Finally home...
I am grateful to be home. I am grateful my tire blew where and when it blew. I'm grateful to truly feel appreciated by my client who needed me. My day snowballed on me quickly. It started with the bad dream but ended good. My son, who now lives with his dad, picked up his sister. I was happily surprised to see him.  I love them both so much! I'll do anything for them! Even when I'm tired of being strong all the time. They need me strong. They need to know what a strong woman looks like. Especially my daughter.  So, I had another good cry after they left and bitched to my boyfriend about my day. I won't label this as a bad day. But I also don't want to repeat it!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Twin Flame Journey: Denial


The shortest path to achieve healing is the one that you take by accepting to go through the stages of grief. The faster you embrace your pain and overcome the different phases of healing, the easier your Twin Flame journey becomes.
This is the initial phase of the Twin Flame separation phase. This is a stage that most runner Twin Flames are very familiar with because you get to a state of soul shock and denial for the unconditional love that you feel for your Twin Flame.
You become overwhelmed by your feelings and you put up an inner resistance to the compulsion of always thinking of your Twin Flame.
For the chaser Twin Flame, life becomes meaningless and makes no sense to go on without the Twin Flame partner. Here are some reasons why Twin Flames Run.
For both Twin Flames, you feel numb to your emotions whether you are running or chasing.
When you are going through the denial phase of your Twin Flame journey, you wonder how you can go on with feeling the intense feelings of longing and unconditional love yet you also wonder why you should go on living life with the emotional desolation that you feel because you miss your Twin Flame daily.
Having to live life without your Twin Flame feels like part of yourself has been taken away which creates a void that nothing can fill but the Twin Flame love.
Question :- What is the famous Twin Flame Separation Phase and how long does it last?
Answer :- When Twin Flames are in denial of the compelling feelings for each other, you find ways to simply survive each day; denial of the connection helps to cope with each day and to pace feelings of grief.
But, denial is nature’s way of graciously helping us to only let in feelings that we can handle at that moment.
As Twin Flames learn to accept the reality of the physical separation phase and starts to ask questions about the pain and grief that were triggered by the encounter, you unknowingly start to evolve into the Soul healing process.
As you learn your Soul lessons, you become stronger within to grow an emotional muscle; the more hope and inner harmony that you embrace, the more the fear that triggers the denial gradually fades and it soon dissipates.
As you begin your healing process, all the feelings of unconditional love that you were initially resisting and denying consume you.
Every Twin Flame goes through this phase — it is when you get frustrated by the journey, and all the past pain that you used to repress comes to the surface to be cleaned out of you.
Sometimes your Twin Flame’s actions trigger your anger and frustration so that you can heal. These simple can help to overcome most of the obstacles that are hindering a Reunion with your Twin Flame.
Also, different phases of the Twin Flame journey are complicated to understand, and there is no aspect of the Twin Flame process that you can control — this adds more to your frustration. The intense emotional highs and lows leave you hypersensitive and moody all the time.
Anger is a healing phase of the Twin Flame journey and you must be willing to feel it and face it so that you can overcome it. Anger can also be an anchor to give you a temporary structure to manage the nothingness of separating from your Twin Flame. Anger is also an indication of the intensity of the love that you have for your Twin Flame.
Question :- How do you find Inner Peace and Balance?
Answer :- Ever reached a phase where you tried to compensate the feelings of losing your Twin Flame during separation? You start to think of the things that you could have done to make things better than they are.
Know that this was also another phase of your healing process because you were going through all the motions of grief.
The Twin Flame depression is not a mental illness but rather an appropriate response of your soul to loss — it feels as though it will last forever but it does not. This is also when you feel grief at a deeper level than you imagined because you start to feel emptiness.
When you are depressed, this is when you realize that perhaps your Twin Flame will not come back after all for the chaser Twin Flame:
For the runner, depression throws you in moments of wonder if you are meant to be together with your Twin Flame or not. You wonder if your encounter was a mistake — or something that will pass. You wonder if your Twin Flame cares at all for you. Depression is a vital healing process for Twin Flames, and above all, all the unanswered questions start the journey to your awakening.
Acceptance is the acknowledgment of the reality of the physical separation for the Twin Flame chaser — This is when you SURRENDER.
For the runner Twin Flame, you accept the connection — you let it work through you and take its course. You accept that life will never be the same again after you met your Twin Flame no matter how far you run from them.
Acceptance is also not just a notion of being okay — but rather it is letting go — accepting nature to take its course as divinely guided. You let go of the need to control how you feel or the relationship with your Twin Flame. You learn to live with the new norm of your life knowing that things life will never be the same again.
When you accept the reality of your Twin Flame situation, you stop denying your feelings and start to listen to your heart, you start to move, change, grow, and eventually evolve.
You start to channel unconditional love into meaningful relationships and friendships and start to pursue a meaningful life purpose.
You also start investing in a SACRED relationship with yourself through self-love.
You start to live life authentically with overflowing unconditional love.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Seeing You Again After All These Years


Twenty years ago, I had a falling out with my twin brother. Recently, at a family funeral, we made peace. I tried several times over the years to reach out and mend the damage. My brother is very stubborn, hard headed with a lot of pride. All these years our rift has kept our family separated.  I can't help but think about how our lives could of been fuller with time spent together.  It's hard to accept the disappointment from the rejection. I try to look at it as a teaching moment where I can expand my heart to those that are difficult to love. If you had a falling out with a loved one, don't give up. Keep trying to reach them. In God's timing healing will come.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Let Your Love Flow


Let your love flow. Step closer to your humanness and embrace the imperfections of your lived experiences, involvements and relationships as discoveries blazing new tracks inside previously unknown territory that lead you into fuller connections.
Let your love go. Let it meet you in the setbacks and deep-rooted regrets wafting through, questioning whether or not you did enough of the right things to secure a forming bond. Caress your grieving heart and soothe past yearnings to be held in a certain style and warmth by others who are, in their way, deeply searching for themselves, yet not entirely ready to unfurl and be seen.
Let your love show up for you. Especially when you feel yourself shutting down because you fear you gave away too much. Let your love go into the places unvoiced within. The places where your desires and wounding around intimacy have their own longings to reveal just how worthy and endearing you really are in this world.
Let your love flow...
~Susan Frybort

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Broken Prayer


the city is dead

without you in it

i use to cry

at your comings and goings

now i just stare

into dead space

wishing for your return

but knowing damn well

it is a silent, broken prayer

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Cooling Pain


There's beauty in the world

That overshadows the ugliness

The traumas you've been through

That you thought you wouldn't live through

There's beauty that cools the pain

And when you see it (and I mean really see it)

It makes you want to cry

The most mundane things 

When seen with a new appreciation 

(That only someone who has been through a living hell can see)

Can cry tears of a different kind of pain

Caused by the beauty that one sees with a new awareness 

If you have experienced this

It's a breakthrough 

Trauma Pain leaving your body

And cooling pain taking it's place

Be open to receiving this type of pain

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

A Silent Revolution

On the surface of the world right now there is
war and violence and things seem dark.
But calmly and quietly, at the same time,
something else is happening underground.
An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution.
From the inside out. From the ground up.
This is a Global operation.
A Spiritual Conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.
You won't see us on the T.V.
You won't read about us in the newspaper
You won't hear about us on the radio
We don't seek any glory
We don't wear any uniform
We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles
Most of us work anonymously
We are quietly working behind the scenes
in every country and culture of the world
Cities big and small, mountains and valleys,
in farms and villages, tribes, and remote islands
You could pass by one of us on the street
and not even notice
We go undercover
We remain behind the scenes
It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit
But simply that the work gets done
Occasionally we spot each other in the street
We give a quiet nod and continue on our way
During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs
But behind the false storefront at night
is where the real work takes a place
Some call us the Conscious Army
We are slowly creating a new world
with the power of our minds and hearts
We follow, with passion and joy
Our orders come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence
We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking
Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~
Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites
Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness...
Releasing grudges, letting go of judgments..
We each express ourselves in our own unique ways
with our own unique gifts and talents
Be the change you want to see in the world
That is the motto that fills our hearts
We know it is the only way real transformation takes place
We know that quietly and humbly we have the
power of all the oceans combined
Our work is slow and meticulous
Like the formation of mountains
It is not even visible at first glance
And yet with its entire tectonic plates
shall be moved in the centuries to come
Love is the new religion of the 21st century
You don't have to be a highly educated person
Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it
It comes from the intelligence of the heart
Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings
Be the change you want to see in the world
Nobody else can do it for you
We are now recruiting
Perhaps you will join us
Or already have.
All are welcome
The door is open.
~Brian Piergrossi

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

When It’s Not Meant To Be


i always had a feeling
you weren't meant for me
not sure why that feeling
has always stuck
wish it weren't true
but then again
god does know best
so maybe i'm being spared
an unimaginable heartbreak 
or i'm simply meant to belong
to someone else 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Finding Your Centre In Love

Coming Back to Centre in a Relationship~~

In a long-term relationship, it is often necessary to get back to basics and come back to centre with each other.

Anyone in a long-term relationship knows that the dance of intimacy involves coming together and moving apart. Early in a relationship, intense periods of closeness are important in order to establish the ground of a new union. Just as a sapling needs a lot more attention than a full-grown tree, budding relationships demand time and attention if they are to fully take root. Once they become more established, the individuals in the union begin to turn their attention outward again, to the other parts of their lives that matter, such as work, family, and friendships. This is natural and healthy. Yet, if a long-term relationship is to last, turning towards one another recurrently, with the same curiosity, attention, and nurturance of earlier times, is essential.  

In a busy and demanding world full of obligations and opportunities, we sometimes lose track of our primary relationships, thinking they will tend to themselves. We may have the best intentions when we think about how nice it would be to surprise our partner with a gift or establish a weekly date night. Yet somehow, life gets in the way. We may think that our love is strong enough to survive without attention. Yet even mature trees need water and care if they are to thrive.  

One of the best ways to nourish a relationship is through communication. If you feel that a distance has grown between you and your partner, you may be able to bridge the gap by sharing how you feel. Do your best to avoid blame and regret. Focus instead on the positive, which is the fact that you want to grow closer together. Sometimes, just acknowledging that there is distance between you has the effect of bringing the relationship into balance. In other cases, more intense effort and attention may be required. You may want to set aside time to talk and come up with solutions together. Remember to have compassion for each other. You're in the same boat together and trying to maintain the right balance of space and togetherness to keep your relationship healthy and thriving. Express faith and confidence in each other, and enjoy the slow dance of intimacy that can resume between the two of you.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Dead End


every relationship she's been in
has been a dead end
promises from men
that were all broken
she's moved on
but with less trust
less optimism
her quiet suffering
for a man
that will just love her

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Life As A Twin Flame: I Will Always Miss You


I remember the day I lost you. I remember exactly where I was and how suddenly the loss of you hit me. I was driving to work. A stupid old 80's love song was playing on the radio. I felt you in me… with me. Then the phone rang. It was Him. He said he talked to you and you denied any mutual feelings. Then you laughed it off.

My heart sank in my chest. I couldn't breathe. Nothing in that moment felt real. It was a fright that shook my soul. I was on a journey with you for nearly two decades.. the same amount of time I was married to Him. You both left me, abruptly, without warning or explanation.

I have always been a skeptic of love and for good reason! Always hoping that someone will love me and stick around 'til the end. Except when my destiny kindly reminds me otherwise.

I may never hear from your lips the truth. I will learn, in time, to be okay with that. I have to because I have to move on from you.. my past and everything that was just temporary. I'm not good with change but I'm getting better.. becoming more flexible and adaptable to whatever life brings me.

I will miss you and it will be a missing you always. No matter where I land in life, I will always be thinking about you in all the good ways.. remembering the rain that day and the safety I felt under your umbrella. Or that day on the river as I looked behind me to try to find you and to my surprise, you were right next to me.. I'll never forget the smile you gave me knowing you had caught me off guard. And yes, all the times I was frustrated with you because you never said anything to me when you had opportunities to do so.. even that memory makes me smile because it reminds me that what I felt for you was real and I'm 99.9% sure it was real for you too.

I'm a better person because of you. Don't ask me to explain how, I can't. There are no words for how your soul talked to mine or how you made me feel alive just standing next to you. It's a divine thing, magic, a ceremonious practice that our souls have memorized.

Our souls have crisscrossed many lifetimes… always we get caught up in the drama. I don't want any more drama. I just want to be genuinely loved by someone. You reminded me of my value. You gave me back my power that I so carelessly gave away to any man that said I love you. I've begun the journey back home to myself and I have you to thank. I will always feel a part of you in the most spiritual, natural way. There is no end for us. Just transformation, growth, and a deeper love that I know in my heart transcends time and space. Keep believing in yourself and I promise I will too.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

My Spirit Animal Visit: The Wolf


I was outside with my dog. It was around 9pm. Suddenly I see a large energetic animal walking through my yard towards me. I was startled. I watched it with intrigue as it moved closer to me. It was big! 

I reflected on this encounter and my mind went to my first encounter with my spirit animal, the wolf, back in 1997. I realized that the animal I encountered was again my spirit animal, the wolf. This time, however, he was big, strong, and powerful. It's like I was being shown how he's grown into his power and how he's moving now with a sense of purpose.

The wolf that I remember from twenty-plus years ago was starving and wild. It all reflects on my spiritual journey that began in my early 20's when I was starving for truth and my spirit was wild. I've tamed my spirit, learned my truth, and grown into my personal power. I'm ready for whatever is coming next in my life. It feels like I've entered a new season. The meaning below seems to coincide with how I was feeling at the time and reassures me that my instincts are very sharp and to trust myself moving forward.

Wolves are wild animals – they are beautiful creatures of mystery that cannot be domesticated.  

If a Wolf appears to you in a certain period of your life when you’re in doubt of the changes that are happening, it can be reassuring you that the path you’re taking is the right one and that you’re being loyal to your instincts.

Equally, if the Wolf presents itself in a moment in life where you feel stuck, it might be reminding you that you’re a free spirit, that you can deviate from whatever path you are currently on and become a ‘lone wolf‘ if necessary in order to pursue your dreams.

Wolf Spirit Animal (Meaning Explained) ⋆ LonerWolf by Mateo Sol

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Missed Opportunity


there has been moments
for us
under circumstances
that I'm sure
that the divine was behind
each time
i got to see you
was an opportunity missed
by both of us
to be open, honest, real
you are my heartache
that I will never get over

Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Mirror

Every morning

You wake up

And feel depressed

You thought this feeling would fade by now

You thought, with time, you'd move on

From the heartbreak and pain

You sit in front of the mirror and contemplate your inner state

You know good and well

You are not your feelings

And your awareness of this

Does not dictate how you approach your day

Yes, some days are not as heavy as others

Yes, you may always feel broken inside

But you determine your attitude

You choose if you'll smile at your reflection in the mirror

And whether or not you'll do your best to find happiness

In whatever good, small or big

comes your way

In the meantime

Have a good cry and shake it off

The world needs strong women like you

Saturday, October 9, 2021

You Are A Whole, So Live A Whole Life

 “Do not love half lovers

Do not entertain half friends 

Do not indulge in works of the half talented

Do not live half a life 

and do not die a half death

If you choose silence, then be silent

When you speak, do so until you are finished

Do not silence yourself to say something

And do not speak to be silent

If you accept, then express it bluntly

Do not mask it

If you refuse then be clear about it 

for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance

Do not accept half a solution

Do not believe half truths

Do not dream half a dream

Do not fantasize about half hopes

Half a drink will not quench your thirst

Half a meal will not satiate your hunger

Half the way will get you no where

Half an idea will bear you no results

Your other half is not the one you love

It is you in another time yet in the same space

It is you when you are not

Half a life is a life you didn't live, 

A word you have not said

A smile you postponed 

A love you have not had

A friendship you did not know

To reach and not arrive

Work and not work

Attend only to be absent

What makes you a stranger to them closest to you

and they strangers to you

The half is a mere moment of inability

but you are able for you are not half a being

You are a whole that exists to live a life 

not half a life”~

~Kahlil Gibran

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Moving Through Pain


I'm done looking back
Having regrets
Full of remorse
So many tears
Cried over the years
Over a broken dream
I gave my all
And he took my all
Now it's time to move forward
And regain my self respect
Some relationships are just broken
And some will break you
He almost broke my spirit
And he would of won
But I'm not the type
Of woman to not fight back
I do what ever it takes to survive
I'm the type of woman
That pushes forward
And I learn from the past
Every time making better choices
Every time becoming stronger
And more aware of the courageous woman I am

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Twin Flames: The Journey of Madness


Many nights I tried to conjure your presence...

You lying next to me.

I'd speak your name in my mind and close my eyes while imagining what your touch feels like.

Looking back now, I was a woman deeply in love...

In deep with a phantom that haunts my dreams.

It is madness of a sort that no human should endure.

Did you put a spell on me?

Did you cast all your longings to the gods and they somehow reach me in my sleep?

Love is cruel.

You are cruel.

Friday, September 24, 2021

The Effects of Cancel Culture

When you are confident secure and sovereign in your truth, your knowingness,  you will not be threatened or insecure by anyone else’s truth.

Turning your back on someone, canceling someone, bullying, name calling, belittling are all behaviors stemming from trauma, programming and deep insecurity.

It’s a response from someone that is threatened by another’s truth.

When you are solid, sovereign, aligned and at peace with your truth, I promise you, the above behaviors will never resonate with you. You just won’t do them.

Confidence in who you are and what you believe breeds compassion and empathy for any other truth outside of yours.

You don’t have to accept it, obviously, but you can be the sovereign human you incarnated as and allow free will and diversity to exist amongst you.

Pay attention to divisive behavior disguised as honor. Anything that pulls humanity apart creating segregation is part of the problem not the solution.

We are here to rise above division. Cancel culture is division in the most deceptive way.

We aren’t here to cancel anyone. We are here to allow our hearts to remind us that this game we are playing is designed to be beat. We will see through the illusion of separation and eventually remember we have always been unified.

Do not forget, this is the evolution in our human consciousness. This is not physical but energetic. Playing in the illusion of separation and divide is only perpetuating the collective shadow.

Stay in your heart.


Is Insecurity, Trauma, And Programming

Disguised As Confidence And Righteousness.

- Lorie Ladd 

Monday, September 20, 2021

The Wildfire of Divorce


I don't feel guilty about building a life for myself after divorce.
I feel guilty about not doing it sooner.
My accomplishments have been painstakingly executed in such a way that I don't wish my road on even my worst enemy.
I fought for happiness.
I fought for peace and sacrificed everything to get where I'm at today.
Life has been like a wildfire for me..
burning away everything that no longer serves me..
leaving only ashes to remind me how things are constantly being transformed.
We don't always know why we have to struggle so much and endure unfathomable amounts of pain.
But I assure you there is meaning in the scars you now wear and beauty in the fire that you survived.
You are capable of so much more than you realize.
Just keep moving forward and believing in yourself,
and watch the fire that destroys you, transform you into a better version of yourself.

Saturday, September 11, 2021


Silence is something that comes from your heart, not from outside. Silence doesn’t mean not talking and not doing things; it means that you are not disturbed inside. If you’re truly silent, then no matter what situation you find yourself in you can enjoy the silence. There are moments when you think you’re silent and all around is silent, but talking is going on all the time inside your head. That’s not silence. The practice is how to find silence in all the activities you do.

Let us change our way of thinking and our way of looking. We have to realize that silence comes from our heart and not from the absence of talk. Sitting down to eat your lunch may be an opportunity for you to enjoy silence; though others may be speaking, it’s possible for you to be very silent inside. The Buddha was surrounded by thousands of monks. Although he walked, sat, and ate among the monks and the nuns, he always dwelled in his silence. The Buddha made it very clear that to be alone, to be quiet, does not mean you have to go into the forest. You can live in the sangha, you can be in the marketplace, yet you still enjoy the silence and the solitude. Being alone does not mean there is no one around you.
Being alone means you are established firmly in the here and the now and you become aware of what is happening in the present moment. You use your mindfulness to become aware of every feeling, every perception you have. You’re aware of what’s happening around you in the sangha, but you’re always with yourself, you don’t lose yourself. That’s the Buddha’s definition of the ideal practice of solitude: not to be caught in the past or carried away by the future, but always to be here, body and mind united, aware of what is happening in the present moment. That is real solitude.~
~Thich Nhat Hanh

Monday, September 6, 2021

Women Pretending to Being Queens


He's had a lot of misfortune
In his life
Taken advantage of
By women
That promised their loyalty
Women that did not appreciate his heart
And the twelve-hour days he put in
So they could sit at home
Like a damn queen
All the while spending money
Like water
Racking up credit card debt
With no regard for the future devastation
They were unleashing
He's been underappreciated
But has learned
From his past mistakes
Now he's more cautious
More aware
Of women that have hidden motives
Now he doesn't go into a relationship
His eyes are wide open
To women pretending
To being queens

Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Wrong Person


Being with the wrong person
In life
Can be detrimental
To your health
It could have lasting psychological effects
On you
Depending on if there's abuse, neglect, or even a lack of validation for your feelings
Maybe you've become invisible
To the person
And you have to beg for attention
Maybe you feel you can't be your authentic self
Because they already control and manipulate you
Out of their own fears and insecurities
You have a choice
To stay or go
Just know if you stay
You're saying yes
To allowing the abuse to continue
And no to the potential future
Of authentic living
Where your peace and contentment await