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Saturday, April 30, 2022

How to Love a Woman


Forget trying to figure her out.
She is beyond your mind.
She is a sweet mystery.
Allow her to be that and
she will shine more brightly.
She doesn't need to be understood with your mind. Just love her.
Feel her heart not just her body.
You will find an infinite river of surprises
and delights of endless wonder.
Tell her something sweet every day.
You will be amazed at what she gives
you back in return.
You will never be able to out-give her.
Her heart is vast like the ocean itself.
So don't be cheap with her.
Give her all you've got.
And she will give you more than you
could ever imagine.
When she opens and lets you into her being,
tread with care and tenderness.
Her heart is a sacred universe and her body is a temple that you are blessed to worship inside.
She will reveal to you the magic of the moment.
Yes, appreciate her beauty but remember she is so much more. The real essence of woman is beyond physical. She exists as a formless dance.
Meet her there and she will show you the meaning of real love. She will show you the face of the Goddess. She is a living smile.
Allow and embrace all her moods like the changing weather. Enjoy the rainbow taste of each flavor that she gives you. Let it tickle your heart and make you stronger.
When you think she is being difficult or giving you a hard time, this is not the time to run away and hide. This is the time to breathe, stand in the storm,
feel her deeper, look into her eyes,
and reassure her of your love.
Don't just listen to the words she says, as you may get confused, but feel her heart and really listen to her hearts pure language.
Listen to the heartbeat of her soul.
It is a gift often way ahead of your mind.
She knows things.
Trust me she just does.
Don't try to control her.
Create a safe space for her to be herself fully.
And she will give you everything in herself like
an unconditional river of devotion.
Woman is love. ✨ ❤️ ✨
She is life.
She is grace.
She is a great mystery.
Bottom line, just love her fully.
Just love her.
This is what she really wants.
Creator and Author.✍️
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..

Monday, April 25, 2022

Worth the Trouble


She wonders if she's worth the trouble

She's been told

She's complicated 

And always showing him

Who she is

With her rebellious spirit 

And untamed nature

She wonders why being herself

Is a problem 

And why he still holds on to her 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Twin Flame Journey: Purpose

The purpose of a twin flame relationship is to awaken you to your untapped potential and ignite a fire deep inside you. This relationship pushes you to do and be better, and at the end of the day, it opens up a world of possibilities you never even dreamed of. “This journey demands spiritual growth,.. twin flame journey is to bring unconditional love into the world, to heal old wounds and traumas, remove karma, and to raise the vibration of humanity so that humans can ‘ascend’ to the ‘new Earth’.

At its heart is an emphasis on unconditional love and healing for the self,
which is then reflected within the joint energies of the twins once they attain sacred ‘Union’. The work doesn’t stop once you reach union. Often twins have a spiritual mission, either jointly or spiritually, and many are feeling the call to step up and serve others.
Currently, there is an unprecedented number of twins awakening to their spiritual path.
This is coming in several waves, with some approaching union rapidly, and others being further away on their journey.
There is no advantage to being in any particular wave, but different challenges will resonate depending on where you are on your journey. Although there is very much a spectrum of energies twins broadly fall into Divine Feminine (DF) and Divine Masculine (DM) energy roles.
Some people have different ratios of these to others, so you may find, for example, in readings that you resonate more with one or the other at different times,
or with aspects of both.
Divine Masculine energy can present in women and Divine Feminine energy in men, it is not gendered.
The idea is that when the twins come together in a healed state their DM and DF energies are balanced across the partnership.
Twins connect with each other in a number of different dimensions - in the 5D (and above) energetically - this is where the Higher Selves reside and communicate,
where telepathy takes place and where the emotional connection is. In the 4D through dreaming and astral travel during sleep or meditation.
And of course in the 3D which is our physical reality. It often happens that ‘union’ (the bringing together of twin flames permanently) happens in the 5D first and then trickles down to the 3D experience.

------I think of you when the sun has set and the stillness of the moon is displaying one of its many wondrous phases.Thoughts of your smile, your laugh, and your eyes
create a feeling that is impossible to express with just words. The need to touch you, to feel you, to drink you in is almost too much to hold inside. Anticipation of you is the greatest gift.
I am at peace.___

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Fill Yourself Up First


Dear self,

What if during the times when you felt the most abandoned and lonely

You discovered that you were also the most free and unburdened?

What if during the times when you felt the most rejected and unwanted

You discovered how to fully love, nurture and embrace yourself?

What if the newfound space left by their absence

Allowed for you to create and form new beautiful things

That were a better fit for you?

What if when you felt unheard and unseen 

You viewed it as an opportunity to value your own voice and presence 

And speak elsewhere in spaces capable of appreciating you 

What if you stopped comparing your progress to others And becoming distracted by their accomplishments and achievements

And instead focused on your own path, goals and personal definition of success

As no one can be a better them than them

And no one can be a better you than you?

What if you viewed momentary failures

As stepping stones directing you towards your final destination?

What if rather than stressing about your dreams seeming far away 

You chose to celebrate how far you have come?

What if instead of seeking approval and validation from others 

You learnt to fill yourself up first?

And what if rather than looking to others to define you 

You chose to step up and become the architect of your own life

And writer of your own story?

Excerpt from “A Year Of Love Letters To Myself: 365 Passages Of Healing, Wisdom And Encouragement,”    being released on the 30th of April.

Get my free eBook and others here at this link:

Artwork by the very talented Loui Jover. Follow him at this link:

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

My Twin Flame Journey- Taking Risks


Dear Invisible Lover,

I want you to know that you were the inspiration for my blog.
In the beginning, when I was completely love-struck by you, I didn't know if we would ever get the opportunity to know each other.
In 2010, when I started my blog, we both were married and started families of our own.
I remember praying about it because you were so heavily on my mind and in my heart.
I felt such a strong connection to you..
I was dreaming of you often and it began to feel like I was a part of your life, but in a way that isn't dictated by normal everyday reality.
I felt such a strong inner pull guiding me to share myself with you in a way that could be tangible..
Where you could know me intimately.
And my back thought was there would never be an opportunity for us to know each other.
Crazy that I also believed you would be scared away once you read about me and really got to know me..
I thought you'd run in the other direction.
I thought you'd think this chic is insane.
I never thought that I'd find myself on this life journey with another human being that knows my ins and outs..
My pain.
My dreams.
My burdens.
My shame.
My everything.
That was then.
Fast forward to now..
And I see how my words are helping others on their spiritual journey.
It may have started as a personal journal to you, where you could access my private thoughts, but it's evolved into something grander.
I still feel I am writing to you..
Even though you've never communicated that this connection is real.
I realize I look like a fool.
But I know in my spirit I am being obedient..
Not to you but to God.
See the thing is this..
God did answer my prayer and He led me to share and bare my soul to the world.
Who am I to defy God?


Saturday, April 9, 2022

A Mouthful of Forevers


"I am not the first person you loved.
You are not the first person I looked at
with a mouthful of forevers. We
have both known loss like the sharp edges
of a knife. We have both lived with lips
more scar tissue than skin. Our love came
unannounced in the middle of the night.
Our love came when we’d given up
on asking love to come. I think
that has to be part
of its miracle.
This is how we heal.
I will kiss you like forgiveness. You
will hold me like I’m hope. Our arms
will bandage and we will press promises
between us like flowers in a book.
I will write sonnets to the salt of sweat
on your skin. I will write novels to the scar
of your nose. I will write a dictionary
of all the words I have used trying
to describe the way it feels to have finally,
finally found you.
And I will not be afraid
of your scars.
I know sometimes
it’s still hard to let me see you
in all your cracked perfection,
but please know:
whether it’s the days you burn
more brilliant than the sun
or the nights you collapse into my lap
your body broken into a thousand questions,
you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
I will love you when you are a still day.
I will love you when you are a hurricane.”
-Clementine von Radics

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

It Doesn't Interest Me

"It doesn't interest me
what you do for a living.
I want to know what you ache for
and if you dare to dream of
meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me
how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk
looking like a fool for love,
for your dream,
for the adventure of being
It doesn't interest me
what planets are squaring
your moon.
I want to know if you have
touched the centre of your
own sorrow,
if you have been opened
by life's betrayals or have
become shriveled and closed
from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit
with pain, mine or your own,
without moving to hide it,
or fade it, or fix it.
I want to know if you can be
with joy, mine or your own;
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you to
the tips of your fingers and
toes without cautioning us
to be careful, be realistic,
remember the limitations
of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the
story you are telling me is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another to be true
to yourself. If you can bear the
accusation of betrayal and not
betray your own soul. If you can
be faithless and therefore
I want to know if you can see
beauty even when it is not pretty
every day. And if you can source
your own life from its presence.
I want to know if you can live
with failure, yours and mine, and
still stand at the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full
moon, 'Yes.'
It doesn't interest me to know
where you live or how much
money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after the night of grief and
despair, weary and bruised to the
bone and do what needs to be
done to feed the children.
It doesn't interest me who you
know or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand in
the centre of the fire with me and
not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where
or what or with whom you
have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
from the inside when all else falls
I want to know if you can be alone
with yourself and if you truly like
the company you keep in the
empty moments."
♥️ Oriah Mountain Dreamer, The Invitation
🎨 Pri Macedo

Friday, April 1, 2022

Comfortable With Uncomfortable


She's learned to be comfortable with uncomfortable. 

She's learned to be okay with not always succeeding when you're doing your best.

She's learned, the hard way, that life isn't fair but it gives back what you put into it.

She's fallen many times, and each time she gets back up.

She knows if you don't get back up, you've already failed.

She knows by pushing forward, in the direction of her dreams, she's one step closer to achieving them.

Through heartache, perseverance,  and sheer determination she is her own hero.

That's what life has taught her...

Not to wait for a knight in shining armor.

But by being courageous and picking up your own sword and by going after what you really want in life...

Your destiny awaits you.