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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Halo Effect


She put him on a pedestal
Where he didn't belong
She created a narrative of him
In her head
He wasn't the knight
Coming to rescue her
He wasn't the man
She imagined him to be
Because in truth
She knew absolutely nothing about him
Besides the stories she heard
And letting go
Of the man that she wanted him to be
Was the hardest thing
She ever had to do
In order to move on

Monday, June 27, 2022

At Some Point

At some point in your life

You learn the difference 

Between love and attachment

Promises and potential

And actions and words 

And to allow a person’s behaviour over time to reveal who they truly are 

Rather than their positive intentions.

At some point in your life 

Rather than awaiting the approval, validation and acceptance of others 

You learn to water your own garden

Uplift your own spirit 

Nourish your own soul 

And become your own best friend

Understanding that the power to feel good about yourself

Build a better life

And rewrite your story and destiny 

Has existed within you all along. 

At some point in your life 

Rather than remaining trapped in a perpetual state of fear, self-doubt and insecurity 

You learn to face the world boldly and confidently  

With your head held high 

And to view yourself

As the hero of your life 

Master of your destiny 

And creator of your reality 

And to not give anyone else the permission to shape how you view yourself and your potential

Through taking full responsibility for yourself, your life and your actions.

At some point in your life 

Slowly but surely

You learn to approach life

From a perspective of love 

And not allow the mistakes, fears, insecurities and limitations of others

To colour and shape your vision

Of what is possible for your own life 

Or prevent you from seeing the beauty that exists in the world. 


And at some point in your life

You learn to recognise your worth

And say no to what doesn’t promote growth, health, happiness and healing 

Or anything that holds you back and keeps you feeling down

In order to soar freely 

So that you may embrace life

For the truly magical adventure it can be.

~ Tahlia Hunter

Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Twin Flame Journey/Running and Separation


The Reason Why Running and Separation Happen in the TF Journey

In the vast majority of twin flame cases, running and separation always happen. This really cannot be prevented, despite all efforts made. So why is this the case? What is the real cause of separation between twin flames?

The Cause of Separation

The answer lies in the energetical Laws of the Universe. They state that positive energy always attracts positive energy, and negative energy always attracts negative energy. This is Law, and we cannot avoid or bypass it.

Now, the bond you have with your twin flame is of the most positive energy that exists. It is the high vibration of Unconditional Love. This is why you feel such love for your twin flame, despite whatever has happened between you. It is truly UN-conditional.

But the problem is that since we live in a very negative system here on Earth, we begin taking in a lot of negative energy since early childhood. Negative energy in the form of fears, traumas, lack of self-love and self-worth, resentment, guilt, etc.

When twins meet, they have accumulated a great deal of negativity within them. But the highly positive TF bond between them is not energetically compatible with this negativity. So at some point, a mismatch and repulsion occur. This is the real reason why one of the twins is compelled to run away from the connection, and thus separate from their twin.

This is all an energetical phenomenon. It follows the Laws of the Universe, so it cannot be prevented. In addition, it is designed to prompt the twin that leads the connection (usually the more spiritually aware of the two, and the one who wants the relationship) to begin removing their negativity within. In other words, to heal. And this is the reason why you always hear that healing is crucial on this Journey.

Through healing, an upliftment of the energetical state of the twins is achieved. And now, in consistent high vibration, they are an energetical match to their TF bond. Now the bond can stay put, be stable, enduring. Now the twins can have a very harmonious lasting relationship. Their energies are finally permanently aligned. And this is the true definition of Union, which is an energetical phenomenon.

Therefore as you can see, there is a very important reason why running and separation happen. And it is all energetical. As everything is in the Universe, because everything is really energy.

Mistaken beliefs about why your twin ran

So do not fall into the trap of thinking that your twin does not love you enough or care about you and this is why they separated from you. Or that they are too obstinate or too dumb or confused. Or that 3D reasons are the most important factors in making them run (like great differences in age, culture, religion, being married, etc.). Or that their headstrong masculine energy does not allow them to be open enough to the emotional component of the once blissful dynamic.

Or that it is entirely their fault because they have wounds that they haven’t healed (like abandonment or self-worth). Yes, they have wounds. And many fears (like being afraid to open up) and other type of negativity. But you do too, and you need to work on healing your own negativity, instead of figuring out what is wrong with your twin. You need to figure out what negativity you have, and heal it, instead of focusing on your twin.

Any form of chasing is a block to Union

Actually, you need to keep your entire focus on YOU. You need your energy, time and effort for doing your inner work and uplifting your state, not for paying unsolicited attention to your twin. Wondering if they think about you or not, what they are doing now, how their new relationship is going, and anything else you do to figure things out about them is really a great hindrance and delay to Union.

Chasing them is actually a big block to Union, since chasing is done out of negative energy, like fear that your twin could forget you. And by now you know that negative energy will always go against Union, because of the energetical Laws of the Universe.

So work on improving yourself. On removing your negativity, healing, and raising your vibration. This is what will truly benefit you always.

~ Dwayne K. Foreman 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Love A Man

 “A man must be prepared to give 100% to his purpose, fulfill his karma or dissolve it, and then let go of that specific form of living. He must be capable of not knowing what to do with his life, entering a period of unknowingness and waiting for a vision or a new form of purpose to emerge. These cycles of strong specific action followed by periods of not knowing what the hell is going on are natural for a man who is shedding layers of karma in his relaxation into truth.” ~ David Deida ‘The Way of The Superior Man’

Love a man whose strength of character precedes him on his journey in life.

Love a man who’s not afraid to stumble and fall, only to pick himself up and face the wind once more.

Love a man who’s made mistakes and whose heart is etched with scars of long lost loves, lingering embraces and kisses that tore at the soul.

Love a man who listens to his inner guides, and not knowing exactly where they lead, picks up his sword and leads his horse into the dark of a forest from where he may never return.

Because he has faith in his dreams, even those that leave him broken and in need of a fresh start.

Because he is the wizard of his own destiny, weaving the strands of the unknown into a tapestry that he can cover himself with when times are hard.

Because he is a warrior and he is hungry for a life that is lived without regrets.

Love a man whose smile is honest and whose eyes fell you to your knees.

Love a man who will turn away from safety, trusting that his passions are a danger he cannot live without.

Love a man whose hands know how to explore your secrets and his body awakens every sin you’ve ever craved—he won’t judge you, he’s a worshiper of the Feminine.

Love a man whose tears are hot, who bathes in the ashes of his mistakes. Love him when his eyes are shadowed, when he walks the beach in search of his muse, when he stands naked in a soul consuming fire; because he’ll come out stronger than before. He’s promised you that and he keeps his word.

A man who understands the journey, will not apologize for where his mind leads him. He will seek wisdom from any place that it hides. This man is a visionary, and he seeks a woman whose life is her own.

He will own you if you ask it, but only when you allow him into your darkest requests. He will advise you if you need it, but give you space to follow your own truth. He will understand that your journey is a battlefield only you can lay yourself down on.

But ask him for protection and you’ll hear his sword rasp out of its shield.

Love a man who dreams of the future but never wastes today.

Love a man whose intensity keeps the wolves at bay.

Leave your door wide open, he will come to you when you need him – stranger, seeker, sinner; thinker.

Men on their journey push past the mists of the unknown and bare themselves to loss or gain, whichever will find him first, and trusting in the process, awaken stronger, more alive, gifting the world with their insights and inventions.

Men on their journey will enjoy your mind, will yearn to learn from you—will find their pleasure in discovering your truth.

Men on their journey are wild and sensual. Because their soul knows no boundaries, their thoughts are limitless, their voices can either soothe or excite.

Love a man who shakes loose the questions of the ages, who throws himself in to the sea, seeking salty respite from the ravages of his quests, who listens to the call of mermaids, and believes that the spirit world holds more wisdom than all the books in the world.

Love a man who’ll be on his journey until his dying day.

You’ll know him by his integrity. He’ll never tell you that he’s finished being the adventurer.

You’ll know him by his vulnerable heart.~

~Monika Carless

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Reminded You Are Not Alone


Lately I haven't been able to write
Passion has left me

I know there's words
Stuck in my throat
Desperately wanting out
And my hand
Begs me to pick up a pen
So that other women
Who are or have been through narcissistic abuse
Are reminded they are not alone

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Wounded Healer

The Wounded Healer.

She's no stranger to Loneliness,

No stranger to Grief,

No stranger to Loss,

No stranger to Hurt

No stranger to Shame...

And It is because she is no stranger to suffering that she can be 

The healing touch to all that come to her in pain.

If you ask her, "do you have any regrets.?"

"If you could change your past would you?"

She would answer, " I've lived through some hard times, but I wouldn't change one moment of it, 

I was broken in order to open...

The compassion that now flows through my heart is the grace of Divine Mother, 

nothing that I have experienced has been in vain".

Wounded Healers.

They are not made.

They created themselves through conquering Adversity, 

Trial Error and Extreme pain and suffering.

They conquer fear and find a way to speak their truth

even when they afraid. In doing so they Shine Light for others

who are lost and feeling alone. And in return their Inner light 

Ignites with renewed purpose. A purpose greater than they ever 

could Imagine..

She's a sensitive woman 

Deeply connected to the Divine feminine forces

Changeable as the seasons

Waxing and waning as the moon 

Flowing as the waters of the Earth...

She can handle the dark nights because she knows that on the other side is a dawn more bright than any she's experienced before...

Her light is growing and illuminating the light in others...

Author ~Mike Harrigan

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The You You Are Today


Take a moment dear and look back on the last five years of your life.

Five years ago, you were living through a living hell.

You were swallowed up in darkness..

Searching for a light.

It felt like eternity at the time, like your nightmare would never end..

But it did.

If you think about it, you might even be able to pinpoint the exact moment the light began to breakthrough. 

If you think long and hard you'll see the string of moments that led to the return of the sun..

There were pinholes of light penetrating the darkness. 

Each defining God sent deliverance offered hope and slowly unveiled an unseen, unknowable future. 

This is what you were made for.

This is why you were meant to go through what you went through.

In the darkness a transformation was taking place.

Sure it was painful, awful, and you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy. 

But it was necessary. 

The you you are today was birthed into being by the very thing you feared the most.

Don't ever doubt God's love for you.

Don't ever doubt your pain isn't transforming you from the inside out.

The mystery of darkness invites change.

Always remain in faith during trials in life that feel hopeless.

Always give gratitude for all the misfortune that is actually disguised as a blessing. 

Because where you are today, you never could of imagined.

You are living your purpose and discovered your truth but it was in the darkness that they were found. 

Monday, June 6, 2022

The Twin Flame Journey: Fusion

Being able to merge with your twin flame is a godsend, everything is perfectly orchestrated by him. The reunion of the twin flames, after the stage of separation , is called fusion . Until now, few people could claim to be able to experience fusion in matter.Today we are being higher and higher spiritually. This is why the twin flame couples who merge will be more and more numerous..

Just being able to conceive of unconditional love says a lot about the possibilities of reuniting with your twin flame soul. Each twin flame wonders “will I merge with my other”....The answer is yes. Do you really believe that the source would reconnect you with your twin soul, so as not to offer you the possibility of merging afterwards?

To know however that it is up to each one to do the work of awakening necessary for this fusion. That is to say, you have to learn to balance your feminine and your masculine, return to yourself, learn to love yourself, find unity with yourself... This journey is difficult, but it is nevertheless essential to your reunion. Know that if you remain blocked in your mind, in your ego, you will in no case be able to merge with your twin.

Despite everything, it is important not to rule out the "eventuality" that the fusion with your twin flame cannot take place in this life. Indeed it will depend on the level of awakening of each one, on the work of purification, on the fact of managing to free oneself from all the wounds that one may have. To be able to merge, the two twin  must be able to evolve on the same vibratory level. And it often happens that one of the twin flame soul  is not ready, and remains blocked in its journey towards the other. 

The masculine is usually the unready one, the so-called 'unawakened flame'. The waking time can be very long for the unready twin. He will not always rationally understand the link that unites him to his other, and will reject it.

He will then have to live his own experiences, at his own pace, in order to learn and   understand the essence of this extraordinary love . This is what will allow him to be able to rise on the spiritual level. 

Despite the difficulty, it is necessary to respect the path of your twin, because even if his spirit is not ready, his soul knows who you are. Namely that in a couple of twin flames, everything one lives serves the other. The work of purification evolves the bond of twin flames towards union and fusion. 

Twin flame couples are able to propel themselves very high in consciousness when aligned to their souls.

Twin flames: the extraordinary fusion, the end of the journey The reunion was planned by divine will between the twin flame souls long before their incarnations. And this, for a specific purpose, that of conveying and sharing unconditional love in the world. If you are there, it is also thanks to the spiritual work carried out by you and your twin. 

Your faith in this divine love has allowed you to find yourselves and to merge. Twin flame   reunite for good, as soon as they are able to love each other unconditionally. That is to say, to love each other without any expectation, and without any judgment ,without any attachments.

 Being able to merge with your twin  is an experience as strong as it is extraordinary. You experience an unparalleled sense of wholeness, love, and well-being. Together you are animated by a new force. The more time you spend with your partner, the more intense and deep your exchanges will be.Now reunited, you will be able to awaken to a higher spirituality, to transmit much higher energies. You are going to help raise awareness, and carry out your common mission , that of serving humanity.

~ Upen Dra

Thursday, June 2, 2022

She’s Coming Into Her Power


She's coming into her power...

She has learnt that in order to be at peace she needs to face herself honestly and accept herself as she is...

She has learnt that her truth is not something that she has borrowed from a "holy" book or a guru,

Her truth is her authenticity that is inclusive of all aspects of herself in any given moment, the angel whispers along with the taunts of her disgruntled gremlins,

her authenticity is choice-less, it is what she is experiencing and witnessing right now, not what she aspires to be...

She has learnt that she gets stuck in a viscous cycle when she chooses to deny, cover up or employ distractions from what she is truly feeling... This approach in the past served only to build more pressure and stress, it failed to heal her internal conflicts...

She has learnt that owning her baggage does not keep her stuck with her baggage, on the contrary, her willingness to observe her illusions without judgment is what is allowing her to dismantle their hold over her...

She has learnt that her true task is to set her love free, starting with loving all of herself, and it is this that creates union and balance within and without naturally...

She's experiencing dropping into this state of love more regularly...

She has learnt that in this state of union her fearful ego has no power and no say, it transforms into a healthy self confidence, there is no fight or flight necessary..

She is a modern day high priestess willing to occupy and be in charge of her own inner temple...

She is busy sweeping it clean for God/dess to occupy...

She is one of many daughters of the Goddess who have returned with the keys to break the paradigm shackles of the dark ages and to open the portals to the golden age of love.

© Caroline de Lisser