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Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Twin Flame Journey/Running and Separation


The Reason Why Running and Separation Happen in the TF Journey

In the vast majority of twin flame cases, running and separation always happen. This really cannot be prevented, despite all efforts made. So why is this the case? What is the real cause of separation between twin flames?

The Cause of Separation

The answer lies in the energetical Laws of the Universe. They state that positive energy always attracts positive energy, and negative energy always attracts negative energy. This is Law, and we cannot avoid or bypass it.

Now, the bond you have with your twin flame is of the most positive energy that exists. It is the high vibration of Unconditional Love. This is why you feel such love for your twin flame, despite whatever has happened between you. It is truly UN-conditional.

But the problem is that since we live in a very negative system here on Earth, we begin taking in a lot of negative energy since early childhood. Negative energy in the form of fears, traumas, lack of self-love and self-worth, resentment, guilt, etc.

When twins meet, they have accumulated a great deal of negativity within them. But the highly positive TF bond between them is not energetically compatible with this negativity. So at some point, a mismatch and repulsion occur. This is the real reason why one of the twins is compelled to run away from the connection, and thus separate from their twin.

This is all an energetical phenomenon. It follows the Laws of the Universe, so it cannot be prevented. In addition, it is designed to prompt the twin that leads the connection (usually the more spiritually aware of the two, and the one who wants the relationship) to begin removing their negativity within. In other words, to heal. And this is the reason why you always hear that healing is crucial on this Journey.

Through healing, an upliftment of the energetical state of the twins is achieved. And now, in consistent high vibration, they are an energetical match to their TF bond. Now the bond can stay put, be stable, enduring. Now the twins can have a very harmonious lasting relationship. Their energies are finally permanently aligned. And this is the true definition of Union, which is an energetical phenomenon.

Therefore as you can see, there is a very important reason why running and separation happen. And it is all energetical. As everything is in the Universe, because everything is really energy.

Mistaken beliefs about why your twin ran

So do not fall into the trap of thinking that your twin does not love you enough or care about you and this is why they separated from you. Or that they are too obstinate or too dumb or confused. Or that 3D reasons are the most important factors in making them run (like great differences in age, culture, religion, being married, etc.). Or that their headstrong masculine energy does not allow them to be open enough to the emotional component of the once blissful dynamic.

Or that it is entirely their fault because they have wounds that they haven’t healed (like abandonment or self-worth). Yes, they have wounds. And many fears (like being afraid to open up) and other type of negativity. But you do too, and you need to work on healing your own negativity, instead of figuring out what is wrong with your twin. You need to figure out what negativity you have, and heal it, instead of focusing on your twin.

Any form of chasing is a block to Union

Actually, you need to keep your entire focus on YOU. You need your energy, time and effort for doing your inner work and uplifting your state, not for paying unsolicited attention to your twin. Wondering if they think about you or not, what they are doing now, how their new relationship is going, and anything else you do to figure things out about them is really a great hindrance and delay to Union.

Chasing them is actually a big block to Union, since chasing is done out of negative energy, like fear that your twin could forget you. And by now you know that negative energy will always go against Union, because of the energetical Laws of the Universe.

So work on improving yourself. On removing your negativity, healing, and raising your vibration. This is what will truly benefit you always.

~ Dwayne K. Foreman