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Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Ghost in the Room

you are my ghost

that whispers to me

reminding me of the ache

i feel for you and you feel for me

there's a reason

things are as they are between us 

when i close my eyes

i feel you

in the room

the ghost

that doesn't close doors

because he is full of regret 


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

A Lifetime of Breath

a lifetime of breath

escaped her lips

as he stood

in front of her

she nearly 

fell to the floor

but he caught her

on her way down

his arms

holding her

as a lifetime 

of pain

was smoothed over

and air

reached her lungs

Monday, July 24, 2023

How Life Shaped You Into Becoming

The seeker said to Life, 

"How do I overcome feeling disappointed by my life

and discouraged by how my path has unfolded?

And Life replied,

"Is there a single person who looks back on their life and says

'Everything went perfectly to plan as I hoped?'

Is there a single traveller who embarked on a journey and found

Every path smooth, without a single obstacle?

Is there a single artist who created a masterpiece and found

Every stroke and colour blended seamlessly on their first attempt?

Is there a single gardener who planted seeds and found

Every bloom perfectly grown?

Is there a single captain who sailed the seas and found

Every voyage peaceful, with no storm that surrounded them?

Is there a single dreamer who pursued their dreams and found

Every aspiration fulfilled free from any challenge or struggle?

Is there a single love story that unfolded meticulously and found

Every moment perfect and free from heartbreak?

Is there a single student who sought knowledge and found

Every lesson completely effortless, free from any confusion?

And is there a single soul who lived their life and found

Every moment to be flawless, 

withno desire to rewrite or relive any past experience?

There is no such person to be found,

For life rarely goes to plan,

from the perspective of your human self, 

That is incapable of seeing the full, complete picture of existence 

And how all paths intersect and all threads intertwine in the grand tapestry of life. 

And your story is not defined by what happened to you, or by your worst moments and so-called mistakes, but how you healed from them and who it shaped you into becoming. For all that you take away from this brief existence is love.”

— Tahlia Hunter 

Friday, July 21, 2023


She told herself

With him she would not pull away

He was different 

As his energy

Seeped into her

She resisted less

And invited his fountain of life

Letting it fill her

Until nothing of her scent remained 

Monday, July 17, 2023

Love Out of War

You are not here to find love, nor to be greeted by happiness at every turn, nor to be showered with kindness, nor to be celebrated by all, to forever remain a child.

No. You came here to create love out of war.

Your soul willingly left its blissful place beyond all troubles to descend into a stifling frame of bone, blood and flesh. Why? Because only here can inner strength be forged by pain, can wisdom be nurtured by failure, can love be the reward of those who choose to give love. Your soul came here to struggle with the bitter things of life and squeeze out of them a syrup of sweet, inner joy.

And as there is no sweetness as succulent as bittersweet, so there is no river of love that runs as deep as the love forged through a battle of the heart, no strength as powerful as that wrestled from the hands of an enemy through stubborn, defiant resolve, no wisdom as the wisdom gained by stumbling in darkness, standing up again, stumbling and walking again, and again.

All that is good, all that has meaning, all is up to you alone."

- Rabbi Tzvi Freeman

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Connection Surrounds You

When you fall so deeply that you feel that you aren’t going to make it to the other side, Love takes you by the hand and says, "I will guide you through the darkness, and together we will find the light."

When you stumble into despair, Joy embraces you and says, "I will dance with you amidst the shadows, and together we will discover the sparks of happiness."

When you sink into the depths of uncertainty, Clarity takes you by the hand and says, “I will be your anchor, grounding you in trust and guiding you towards answers.”

When you lose yourself in heartache, Compassion holds you close and says, “I will heal your wounds with tenderness, and together we will find solace in the beauty of understanding.”

When you surrender to vulnerability, Courage whispers in your ear and says, “I will celebrate your authentic self, and together we will create a space of bravery and growth.”

When you succumb to fear, Confidence takes you by the hand and says, “I will be your strength, empowering you to confront your fears, and together we will discover the courage within.”

When you collapse under the weight of loneliness, Connection surrounds you and says, “I will be your companion, filling your heart with warmth, and together we will create a tapestry of belonging.”

And when you crumble under the burden of adversity, Strength stands beside you and says, “I will be your pillar of support, guiding you through challenges, and together we will rise above them.”

Words by Tahlia Hunter 

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Starved Dry


I was so hungry 

For him

My bones

Starved dry


The way

He made me feel

And wishing 

I was alive again

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

You Deserve A Great Love

I can see how your tired soul aches, heavy with the weight of a thousand lonely lifetimes. 

You yearn for a love that calls to the fabric of your very being, to the truest parts of yourself. 

You wonder sometimes whether real love exists as you sift through threads of the past and let go of old expectations, ancient memories and hearts that were never meant to be yours. 

You wonder what love could be meant for you when you have walked so many roads that led to tangled ends. You question your worthiness, your heart and the depths of your soul.

Sweet one, no matter how dark the day or what shadows of the past that rise, never doubt your deserving of a love that will actively choose your magic each day and dance in your rains each night. 

You have a soul deep love that pounds in your chest; never silence the roar of your thunder for anyone.

You have walked your path bravely and spent many dark nights sitting with your shadows present to the lessons that they bring. 

Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, you have transformed and evolved. 

Yours is not a love that should be compressed and confined to the shallows. 

Yours is a love that should soar cloud high on freedom’s light wing. 

Yours is a love so luminous, so penetrating and so searing you should never settle for anything less than arms open fully to your flames.

You deserve a love so deep that is can safely hold space for all the fantasies you have ever dreamed and a heart wild enough to fulfill each one. 

You deserve conscious action, deliberate intention and a passion that burns hotter than the Sun. 

No half-love partially dipping a toe at the shores of your spirit will sustain you.

Dear one, you deserve a great love, one who knows what they have when they have you; one that will not hide behind masks or play games. 

Someone whose actions match their words. 

A love that is befitting the fierce warrior that breathes in your chest.

No one needs to fight your battles for you as you are strong as nails and burn brighter than dragon fire. 

You deserve one who stands beside you as you fight your battles and celebrates your victories.

Wild one, you need someone to run with. 

You need someone as feral as you not someone to tame you or imprison you in a box of outdated rules and ill-fitting ideals. 

You are carved of storm and wildfire; nothing but broken open truth will sustain you.

Dear one, you deserve someone you can lay your parched soul upon, and rest upon that sacred soil. 

A pilgrim of love on a voyage of discovery to worship at your temple and offer blessings to the altar of your heart, as you do theirs.

Never sacrifice your precious heart for anything less.

Author~Ara Campbell

Saturday, July 1, 2023


Oh sweet girl

Through your eyes

The world is a big adventure 

Waiting for you 

Through your eyes

All the stars align

To make all your dreams come true

I don't want you

To believe any different

I want you to always believe

In the magic 

That this life has to offer you

But more importantly 

I want you

To always believe in yourself 

Because you are capable and able

Beautiful and daring

You are more than you can imagine 

Go out into the world

And create an incredible life

For yourself 

And every once in a while

Remember to look up

At the stars

To feel connected