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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Connection Surrounds You

When you fall so deeply that you feel that you aren’t going to make it to the other side, Love takes you by the hand and says, "I will guide you through the darkness, and together we will find the light."

When you stumble into despair, Joy embraces you and says, "I will dance with you amidst the shadows, and together we will discover the sparks of happiness."

When you sink into the depths of uncertainty, Clarity takes you by the hand and says, “I will be your anchor, grounding you in trust and guiding you towards answers.”

When you lose yourself in heartache, Compassion holds you close and says, “I will heal your wounds with tenderness, and together we will find solace in the beauty of understanding.”

When you surrender to vulnerability, Courage whispers in your ear and says, “I will celebrate your authentic self, and together we will create a space of bravery and growth.”

When you succumb to fear, Confidence takes you by the hand and says, “I will be your strength, empowering you to confront your fears, and together we will discover the courage within.”

When you collapse under the weight of loneliness, Connection surrounds you and says, “I will be your companion, filling your heart with warmth, and together we will create a tapestry of belonging.”

And when you crumble under the burden of adversity, Strength stands beside you and says, “I will be your pillar of support, guiding you through challenges, and together we will rise above them.”

Words by Tahlia Hunter