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Monday, January 31, 2022



When in unpredictable times, in a culture steeped in artificial feelings, I want to cultivate a natural gratitude. One that’s healthy, organic, authentic and alive.  A calming gratitude that swaddles me in grace when I’m least expecting it—or like a fresh appreciation breathing life back into an aging body. 

A timely gratitude I forgot I really needed, like a long-lost answer to a prayer uttered since before I can remember, now coming home to welcoming arms to be embraced.  

Don’t let me be enticed by faux thankfulness that covers up and disguises my true state of being, or one that’s pushed or forced into place, or the kind where we’re conditioned to maintain a perpetually thankful attitude so that we’re blinded to wake-up calls, red flags, or warnings forecasting danger or abuse. 

Real gratitude is better, swelling up from within and brimming over the sides of your heart of hearts, spilling out to soothe the worried places. Journal it, if you care to, and let your spirit be reprieved, then be drenched in its life-affirming abundance and explore its range. 

Count your blessings, if you’re led to. Count them like stars in an infinite galaxy and be revived and uplifted. Be encouraged, be strengthened, be surprised, and be renewed. Find out what happens when you acknowledge what's real and good and honor it with thanks...

Be genuinely grateful and let no movement, doctrine, relationship or superstition dictate how your emotions should be or scare you into a permanent disposition because you feel indebted to remain.

~Susan Forbett

Monday, January 24, 2022

Everything is Energy

 7 things that affect your vibration frequency from the point of view of quantum physics.

Vibration in quantum physics means everything is energy. We are vibrant beings on certain frequencies. Every vibration is equivalent to a feeling and in the world "Vibrational", there are only two species of vibrations, positive and negative. Any feeling makes you broadcast a vibration that can be positive or negative.

1ST - * thoughts *

Every thought emits a frequency to the universe and this frequency goes back to origin, so in the case, if you have negative thoughts, discouragement, sadness, anger, fear, all this comes back to you. This is why it is so important that you take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn how to cultivate more positive thoughts.

2TH - * the companies *

The people around you directly influence your vibration frequency. If you surround yourself with happy, positive and determined people, you will also enter this vibration. Now, if you surround yourself with people complaining, gossiping and pessimist, be careful! Indeed, they can reduce your frequency and therefore prevent you from using the law of attraction in your favor.

3TH - * the music *

Music is very powerful. If you only listen to music that talks about death, betrayal, sadness, abandonment, all this will interfere with what you are feeling. Pay attention to the lyrics of the music you listen to, it could reduce your vibration frequency. And Remember: you attract exactly what you feel in your life.

4TH - * the things you look at *

When you look at programs that deal with misfortunes, dead, betrayals, etc. Your brain accepts this as a reality and releases a whole chemistry into your body, which affects your vibration frequency. Look at things that do you feel good and helps you vibrate at a higher frequency.

5TH - * the atmosphere *

Whether it's at home or at work, if you spend a lot of time in a messy and dirty environment, it will also affect your vibration frequency. Improve what surrounds you, organize and clean your environment. Show the universe that you are fit to receive much more. Take care of what you already have!

6TH - * THE WORD *

If you claim or speak wrong about things and people, it affects your vibration frequency. To keep your frequency high, it is essential to eliminate the habit of complaining and bad talking about others. So avoid drama and bullying. Assume your responsibility for the choices of your life!


Gratitude positively affects your vibration frequency. This is a habit you should integrate now into your life. Start to thank for everything, for the good things and what you consider to be bad, thank you for all the experiences you've experienced. Gratitude opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.  ~Sunil KS

Thursday, January 20, 2022



It's nice to know
That there's someone there for me
That makes my days better
I was dependant on a man
For so long
And since I met my ex
At a young age
I never knew what true independence
Looked liked
It's hard for me to commit
To someone new
And build a life with someone new
When I feel I'm just finally
Figuring myself out
It almost feels like I waited too long
To face my fears
But every day I'm doing it
I want to feel like a whole person
Because honestly my entire life
I never have
I'm not even sure
What that looks like
I just trust that once I get there
I'll feel it down to my bones
And in my soul
Your support of me knowing myself
Building confidence
Structuring a life that matches my insides
Means a lot to me
Thank you for just reminding me
You are there for me
Thank you for loving me
The way that you do
Thank you for being you

Saturday, January 15, 2022



There's a sadness in her
That no one can see
A sadness due to the phoniness
All around her
Because she holds truth
So close to her heart
It is unbearable for her
To have to swallow
The phoniness in the world
The fake friends
The ones who say they care
But really don't
The false teachers that worship
Everything else but God
They will mislead you
Tell you
You need to give them
More money to be enlightened
The half-truths from politicians
That have their own hidden agenda
And not your best interest
There's a sadness
That surfaces
When she's alone
Contemplating the bigger questions to life
And why on earth
She has to put up with all this phony crap!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Twin Flame Dream: Parking Lot


From Journal Entry 12/21/21

I'm at your house. There is a party. Lots of people. Some I know, some I don't know. There's a game being played called, Parking Lot. It's similar to musical chairs. Your wife is at a cash register taking money. I notice large blueprints leaning up against the house. They are huge! You are in the background mingling with others. Everyone is having a good time. I'm watching you from a distance.

I can feel the locks on your dream door
Maybe I helped you put them there
Maybe I just got fed up
With all the promising romance
And adventures you showed me
That you wanted me a part of
But will never actually materialize
Maybe you pretending I no longer exist
would be easier on you
When I do see you now in dreamtime
At a distance
Fading into the background
Busy making big plans for your life
That don't include me
You ignore me
I began to think to myself
While in the dream
I'm the only one awake
Which is sad
Because that tells me
You choose to fall back to sleep
And let your subconscious
Run your life
Me, I'm never going to fall back to sleep
I'll keep pretending I don't care how you treat me
And how I probably need therapy for the rest of my life
From all this crazy twin flame bullshit
And you can keep pretending I don't exist

Friday, January 7, 2022

Deep Aceptance


“Deep acceptance of the way things are

is the source of all creative change.

The perfect paradox."

Being present doesn't mean being passive.

It is totally possible to deeply accept things as they are, be totally present and aligned with the Universe, in an internal state of non-resistance, your heart completely open to the world, your attention deeply rooted in the Now...

... AND to protest powerfully and peacefully against what you see as injustice: to speak out loudly for love, to amplify narratives of unity and tolerance and inclusivity; to fight beautifully alongside your brothers and sisters for a world that burns inside your hearts.

You are filled with the understanding that underneath all our differences we are the same Consciousness, so compassion infuses your cry. 

You have no enemies in your heart, so you are strong. 

You are deeply rooted in the Universe, so you speak not only with your own voice; Nature speaks through you, your ancestors speak through you, Life Intelligence speaks through you, and you are unbreakable.

There is no hatred. No inner war. No internal violence. 

From a place of deep peace, you shine your light of Truth into the world, fighting on behalf of love, not fighting against some imagined darkness.

You are the world's mother, moving without effort to protect your precious children.

Peacefully, now, you rise.~

~Jeff Foster

Monday, January 3, 2022



I've never truly been happy with someone.
Why is that?
I'm happy with myself.
Is that an indication to stay alone?
Why am I so sad if I am happy with who I am?
Do I need therapy?
Am I that broken?
Is love afraid of me?
How do I know when to let my walls down?
Why is it that at the end of my day I feel the safest curled up with my cat in my bed?
Has my past traumas only taught me how to survive?
Only rely on myself?
Be expected to be disappointed?
So much misfortune in love that I mistrust love when it does arrive and sabotage it.
I got so use to the empty space when I was in a twenty-year relationship, that I have to remind myself of the love I deserve.