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Friday, January 7, 2022

Deep Aceptance


“Deep acceptance of the way things are

is the source of all creative change.

The perfect paradox."

Being present doesn't mean being passive.

It is totally possible to deeply accept things as they are, be totally present and aligned with the Universe, in an internal state of non-resistance, your heart completely open to the world, your attention deeply rooted in the Now...

... AND to protest powerfully and peacefully against what you see as injustice: to speak out loudly for love, to amplify narratives of unity and tolerance and inclusivity; to fight beautifully alongside your brothers and sisters for a world that burns inside your hearts.

You are filled with the understanding that underneath all our differences we are the same Consciousness, so compassion infuses your cry. 

You have no enemies in your heart, so you are strong. 

You are deeply rooted in the Universe, so you speak not only with your own voice; Nature speaks through you, your ancestors speak through you, Life Intelligence speaks through you, and you are unbreakable.

There is no hatred. No inner war. No internal violence. 

From a place of deep peace, you shine your light of Truth into the world, fighting on behalf of love, not fighting against some imagined darkness.

You are the world's mother, moving without effort to protect your precious children.

Peacefully, now, you rise.~

~Jeff Foster