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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tiny Boxes


His life was too compartmentalized

Too rigid

There was nothing more terrifying 

To her

Than the image of tiny boxes

Taking up her life

She was wild

And needed flexibility 

Air to breath

Fire to tempt her nature

And keep her engaged 

In life

Running was the only option for her

Running from a life

She could not imagine 

Herself living in 

Friday, November 25, 2022

The Purpose of Your Life

The soul purpose of your life is to love. To love yourself and others so fully, so furiously, that you become completely overflowing with immense joy and lightness. When your heart is bursting with love every day you will truly be fulfilled. When your love for another is so immense, so passionate, so compassionate, you won't have time to worry about your own problems and life. You will be in such a flow of juiciness and aliveness that you cannot stop yourself from giving away warm happy hugs to everyone you meet.

The day you stop resisting your natural connection with everything in this Universe, and start allowing for it, then the real magic begins. It is from this simple direct connection to life that you'll be able to fully relax, and feel the soft gentle Divine Presence that naturally flows from the centre of your being. From this place you can discover the Source of Love which is who and what you truly are.

"Who you are is neither consciousness nor it's content. You are the timeless source, the Supreme Reality. Trust that." ~Nisargadatta

We are here to awaken to the realization that we are intimately connected to the God Source. It is already all around us and inside us, we have simply forgotten it is here. This Divine intelligent all loving source is inside the matrix of every thought, thing and person. Whatever our mind comprehends to be "real", has the Divine Source inside it. When we are living each day being consciously aware that a higher intelligence is at the center of every single atom and electron, something miraculous begins to occur. We stop seeing ourselves as separate from this Divine Intelligence, and can truly come home to our own divinity. From knowing and feeling into our connection with every atom, we have discovered one of the greatest purposes of our lives.

Full self realization simply means there is NO more of a feeling of being separate from the God Source. We don't see "God" as something far away, yet as something closer to us than our next heartbeat and breath. Creating intimacy with the Divine Intelligence is the only sane path to freedom, and all other paths simply fall miserably short. Through knowing this connection we have real clarity in life again, and can see through the illusions and delusions that most everyone is entertaining.

The greatest illusion that many "sheeple" are caught in is that the Divine is not inside of us. Most believe that it's not real and the world is separate from the Divine. To ignore and forget that the Divine intelligence is an intimate part of your day is the origin of every experience of suffering. When we instantly clarify this lie, and start seeing, feeling and living the truth, we heal ourselves of all pain and problems just fade away into the background.

Being truly free from suffering is a goal that all human beings have in common. We are all here to learn, grow and evolve out of suffering. If we keep doing the same actions and expecting different results we will go insane. We simply need to wake up and learn how to be conscious and stop repeating our greatest error, which is ignoring the Divinity within us. When we honour this divine aspect, we can meet any darkness directly. We can accept that our pain brings us gifts, and be willing to embrace them. Looking directly into our own darkness we shine a light through it. We move beyond the demented illusions the mind creates and reach a more enlightened perspective on reality. Every time we sink into our darkness, it takes us closer to the light.

Another great purpose of our lives is to heal all the wounds from our past. One of the quickest paths to doing this is practicing forgiveness everyday. This means also to forgive ourselves for the judgments, deceptions and secret lies we've been telling ourselves for years. When we tell ourselves we are not good enough, smart enough, courageous enough, wealthy enough, we constantly are living a lie. To find the positive unlimited potentiality within us allows us to be bigger than our pain, and eventually release and heal the deepest unconscious wounding we're carrying.

"It's such a surprise to notice that you are the pulsing heart of the emptiness, the mountain strength of the vastness." ~Pamela Wilson

Nobody else is here knows you better than you know you. We are born to get to know ourselves so intimately that deep down we can take responsibility for our life experience and shift it. When we feel into our darkest pain, we can see our patterns, and find out why we are holding onto our struggle and how to stop doing it. Through understanding ourselves we can move beyond any pain we are creating. Healing means awareness. By simply investigating our inner world with an authentic curiosity, we summon the tools that will bring us into transcendence.

By remembering who we truly are (Divine Source), we can clearly see all our relationships as a grand play of self mastery. When we are capable of forgiving ourselves, we feel worthy of being free from any pain or tension we were carrying around. We can deepen in compassion for anyone who threatens us, criticizes us, or attempts to shred our ego in anyway.

By having compassion for all beings (including ourselves) we uncover the secret to where all healing begins and ends. When we can accept the truth of who we really are, we instantly soften and can see that those who strike out at us are just craving love. They are in greater pain than we are and needing us to show them the way out of it. It is our job to guide them, by letting in the greatest lightness and compassion we can summon. Doing this we receive the bliss filled blessings we are here to experience.

The final and perhaps greatest purpose of our lives, is learning how to enjoy every moment of our lives. Loving every day of life takes great perspective, patience, clarity and a certain level of mind mastery. Life is naturally experienced as an awesome amazing playground when we find that our main purpose here is to celebrate it all. We are naturally filled with joy when we are grateful for this divine opportunity to love, be loved and discover that love is the Source of who and what we actually are! Gratitude increases our vibration to the point that we are "protected" from attracting future pain, suffering and more delusion that we are separate from the Divine. We may still karmically manifest the gift of being challenged by certain people or situations in life, yet from the attitude of gratitude it all becomes a fun easy ride home.

"Any real ecstasy is a sign you are moving in the right direction, don't let any prude tell you otherwise." ~ St Teresa of Avila

~ Jafree Ozwald

Monday, November 21, 2022

Now Available on Hoopla/Shedding the Wife


SHEDDING THE WIFE: a spiritual journey through divorce is now available on Hoopla! 

shedding the wife

is about a spiritual journey

through divorce

with inner landscapes

of floods and fires

the storm

becomes a catalyst

to self-discovery

this book is

for all women

healing from the wounds

of betrayal, neglect, and/or abuse

and by doing the inner work

empowers us

to let go of the past

and move forward as a warrior

Sunday, November 20, 2022

A Mystic's Inner Life


She thrived on her own
She was reserved
Kept to herself
She knew at a young age
She was different
She could blend in anywhere
Connect with anyone
Yet very few got her
She had a complicated inner life
That only a mystic would understand
When she withdrew
From the world
It was to explore other worlds
That only a few
Know the entrance into
She thrived alone
In places many avoid
But she knew that it was only in those places
The real gems of life are found
And kept for safekeeping
In the most secret places
Of her inner being
Inner work is done in solitude. Truths are discovered painstakingly through a process that most avoid. The Mystic’s path is not for the faint-hearted. Loneliness is your companion.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Twin Flames/ A Solid Masculine


When a woman is loved right she becomes many times the woman she was. She experiences a rebirth of her full divinity into her childlike innocence and purity as she is nurtured in her feminine essence and supported to let go off her masculine defenses and blossom into all she is becoming.

As true love cast out all evil and all shadows die in the light of their love she becomes secure in what she feels and sees as her intuition is no longer cast aside as crazy by the masculine and she develops a trust in not only her intuition but his as they both nourish their gifts, talents and traits.

Sacred union with the divine masculine changes a woman,

but only if she is able to surrender to him and trust his love, which also depends equally on his capacity to be solid in his masculine core and hold her in her feminine essence and emotional nature without faltering.

If she senses any weakness in his core and he is too much in his feminine she will not feel safe to surrender to him and trust his core. Trust is built slowly from both ends and if one doesn't trust the other will not trust. It's a mutual exchange of energy at all times and only by continuously showing up authentic and honest in full integrity without fear of communicating their truth will they be able to create solid trust.

For every trigger they work through together they grow more and more solid in their union.

It's a beautiful dance if the two can be mature and accountable and willing to face themselves honestly and openly with loving communication. Then both will become more of who they are meant to be and the blossoming feminine will be the nourishing Goddess she was meant to be.

But it all depends on the masculines capacity to be solid.

~ Ulf Haukenes 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Through Time


my solitude
lengthens and widens
like a night sky
i stare at it's vastness
and get lost
in the stars
of my own creation
only through time
do we conquer ourselves
or self destroy

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Way You Love Yourself


True vulnerability is not easy. We are wired to protect ourselves from getting hurt. We will lie, hide, pretend, cry, yell, and even fight to keep from feeling judged or exposed. It's extremely difficult to create emotional intimacy and connection when we struggle to trust someone else enough to just be ourselves without fear of rejection or abandonment. 

How much do we really love or even like ourselves? How you can tell is based on how open you are about who you really are. If you feel unworthy, unlovable or inadequate, then you will feel that others will judge you as such as well and validate your negative beliefs about yourself. It's hard to let yourself love someone that you don't feel good enough for. Having flaws and weaknesses exposed can be terrifying for someone who lacks confidence and hasn't learned to intimately accept themselves.

What's worse than living with insecurity and anxiety is living without real love. Love is what frees us from judgement, guilt, shame and toxicity. Love is what allows us to evolve and reach our greater potential. Love is what lifts us out of despair and brings us hope. Love is what teaches us to accept ourselves and others because empathy is far more powerful than our fragile ego. 

The way that you love yourself will determine how you love, who you love and what your unmet needs are. It all starts with you and how brave and strong you choose to be and continue to be despite loss, rejection, loneliness or even trauma. Love is truly the only remedy for our heartache. Imagine having a partner who knows you, understands you, protects you, accepts all of you and makes you feel safe to just be yourself. If you really want that, then what are you doing to treat yourself the way that you want to be treated by someone else? By practicing self love, you are teaching yourself how to show up with the same kind of unconditional love and acceptance for someone else. You can learn how to be open to the kind of love that you've always wanted. Love is the gift that's meant to be shared.

- Sunil KS

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Beautifully Human



You didn't come here to perfect unconditional love.
That's where you came from and that's where you'll return to.
You came here to learn:
Love before heartbreak.
Complicated love.
The love you deny for the ego.
The intense and crazy love.
The broken love
Love with detachment.
Love overshadowed by passion.
Stumbled love.
The love that is not shown.
The love that is silent
The love that is lost.
Universal love.
You didn't come here to be perfect. You already were.
You came here to experience being beautifully human.
Failed and Fabulous.
To then rise again and be the Light that guides you through your shadows.
But what about unconditional love?
Cut it with that story.
Love, in truth, does not need any other adjective.
Does not require modifiers.
It does not require perfection.
It only asks that you show yourself aware of yourself.
May you be the best version of yourself.
And do what you came to do.
May you be present and feel whole.
That you shine, that you fly, that you laugh, that you love, that you cry, that you get hurt, that you heal, that you fall, that you get up, that you play, that you work, that you live, that you transcend, always in your own way.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The Legacy You Will Leave

 You came naked

You will leave naked

You came without anything

You will leave without anything

You arrived weak

You will leave weak

So, why so much hatred, resentment, envy, selfishness and pride?

We will all go empty handed, what all material things we have earned, we earned here, and will leave everything here only.

The only thing that will go with you, that you actually earned here is the love you shared, the compassion you showed, the humbleness, your gratitude, your helpfulness, your kindness.

That is the legacy you will leave here that everyone will follow.

- unknown author