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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Twin Flame Journey: Purpose

The purpose of a twin flame relationship is to awaken you to your untapped potential and ignite a fire deep inside you. This relationship pushes you to do and be better, and at the end of the day, it opens up a world of possibilities you never even dreamed of. “This journey demands spiritual growth,.. twin flame journey is to bring unconditional love into the world, to heal old wounds and traumas, remove karma, and to raise the vibration of humanity so that humans can ‘ascend’ to the ‘new Earth’.

At its heart is an emphasis on unconditional love and healing for the self,
which is then reflected within the joint energies of the twins once they attain sacred ‘Union’. The work doesn’t stop once you reach union. Often twins have a spiritual mission, either jointly or spiritually, and many are feeling the call to step up and serve others.
Currently, there is an unprecedented number of twins awakening to their spiritual path.
This is coming in several waves, with some approaching union rapidly, and others being further away on their journey.
There is no advantage to being in any particular wave, but different challenges will resonate depending on where you are on your journey. Although there is very much a spectrum of energies twins broadly fall into Divine Feminine (DF) and Divine Masculine (DM) energy roles.
Some people have different ratios of these to others, so you may find, for example, in readings that you resonate more with one or the other at different times,
or with aspects of both.
Divine Masculine energy can present in women and Divine Feminine energy in men, it is not gendered.
The idea is that when the twins come together in a healed state their DM and DF energies are balanced across the partnership.
Twins connect with each other in a number of different dimensions - in the 5D (and above) energetically - this is where the Higher Selves reside and communicate,
where telepathy takes place and where the emotional connection is. In the 4D through dreaming and astral travel during sleep or meditation.
And of course in the 3D which is our physical reality. It often happens that ‘union’ (the bringing together of twin flames permanently) happens in the 5D first and then trickles down to the 3D experience.

------I think of you when the sun has set and the stillness of the moon is displaying one of its many wondrous phases.Thoughts of your smile, your laugh, and your eyes
create a feeling that is impossible to express with just words. The need to touch you, to feel you, to drink you in is almost too much to hold inside. Anticipation of you is the greatest gift.
I am at peace.___