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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Stratocles Becomes a Man of God-Part 2

Andrew talks to Stratocles after he dispels the demon from his servant.  Andrew encourages him to bring forth the child he is carrying. "Bring to birth the child you are carrying and do not give yourself to labour pains alone.  I desire what you are bearing.  I love what you are suppressing.  I will suckle what is within you.  I know the one who is silent.  I know the one who has hope.  Already your new self speaks to me.  Already I encounter those things he has suffered for so long."
Stratocles is ashamed of his former religion.  He mourns his former public conduct and he renounces his former self and vows a life in the Living God.

Reference~The Apocryphal New Testament, The Acts of Andrew