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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Maximilla's Chasity- Part 5

Aegeates weeps at the feet of Maximilla.  He says, "I have been your husband for 12 years and have revered you as a goddess, and still do because of your chastity.  If you are keeping a secret from me about another man- I will make allowances and I myself will cover it up, just as you have put up with my follies."
Maximilla tells him, "I am in love, and the object of my love is not of this world and therefore is imperceptible to you.  You cannot see it and you cannot separate me from it."
One of Aegeates servants heard Aegeates speaking to Stratocles, questioning him about the matter.  The servant then whispered in Aegeates ear how there is a certain man that performs great miracles and cures the sick and raises the dead.  He tells Aegeates a misleading lie, that his wife has become intimately involved with the man. He then points out the man from a distance and says, "Look master there is the man responsible for the present disruption of your household." Aegeates orders Andrew to be locked up.

Reference~ The Apocryphal New Testament, The Acts of Andrew