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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Andrew's Capture- Part 6

Aegeates tells Maximilla, "I have captured your teacher.  He will not escape from me but will suffer a horrible death."
Maximilla responds, "My teacher is not someone who can be detained, for he is not perceptible."  Aegeates gives Maximilla an ultimatum.  To have sexual relations with him and bear him children and Andrew will be set free, or he will torment her indirectly through the one she loves. 
Maximilla found out where the prison was and waited til nightfall to go see Andrew.  Andrew tells her,"You have done well, o soul crying out what you suffered and returning to yourself.  You are immaterial, holy, light, akin to the unbegotten, intellectual, heavenly, pure, superior to flesh.  Take knowledge in what you excel." Maximilla would need to take courage- to see the untrosties inflicted on Andrew by Aegeates, through to the end.

Reference~ The Apocryphal New Testament, The Acts of Andrew