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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Gaze Up At the Stars

"And if you should ever find yourself feeling lonely, my dear,

let yourself gaze up at the night sky

at each of the stars

and remind yourself

that some other person

at some point in history, time or space

gazed up at the same stars

and felt exactly as you feel now

and you are connected in your heart space

with all who have ever felt the same way

at some point in their life:

lonely, lost, isolated, dissatisfied or unhappy

which is every person in existence.

And so in feeling lonely, 

you are connected to all of humanity

and no matter how alone you may feel,

you are never truly alone.

And as you gaze at the stars,

remind yourself that there are more of them that exist

than there are grains of sand on the Earth,

for the Universe is so incredibly vast and expansive

beyond our imagination

and yet, out of the trillions of stars and planets that exist,

you are here on this one, alive and breathing.

How could this be a random accident?

And so the biggest mistake 

you could ever make

is to believe 

that you are alone and unsupported, my dear.

 At this point in time, 

were you not meant to be here,

you would not be here.

And if you find yourself feeling unloved,

let the sun,

which provides you with its light

each day

without asking 

for anything in return 

remind you 

that you were loved enough

to be brought into existence

and supported each moment to live.

And remember that you are part of nature

and one with all

and so the capacity to love as the sun loves

exists within you

and exists within all.

And just as there are many planets and stars,

so too are there many people.

And so do not mistake another person’s inability to love you

for meaning that love does not exist.”

Words by Tahlia Hunter