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Saturday, December 16, 2023

Embrace Each Step of the Path


"What is your secret to remaining calm?" she asked.

"I am a traveller of life.

I am here for only a short while,

for I am merely passing through.

I came into this life empty-handed

and I shall leave empty-handed 

and in every moment,

I trust that I have what I need 

and that what I need is enough.

I need not compare my path to others

for my purpose is not their purpose 

and my lessons are not their lessons;

all that is required of me 

is to be who I came here to be. 

I welcome change, 

knowing that all is impermanent 

and only that which is truly real will last.

In the storms of life, 

I find stillness within,

knowing that the temporary emotions I feel 

are merely visitors.

And I do not fear pain,

for I know that I will find relief 

and that pain is simply a messenger,

and so I welcome it with compassion,

asking it "What are you here to teach me?"

And I embrace each step of my path, 

knowing that within it lies the destination 

and in every step I take,

I am worthy of love.

And I affirm to myself daily,

"May my light shine 

upon those who are presently in darkness,

and may the world be a different place 

because I am in it." 

Words by Tahlia Hunter