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Friday, May 4, 2012

Dream of Medieval France

From Journal Entry 12/2/2011

It is France and the year is 1342.  There is a couple in their mid to late 20's.  They are watching an erotic play.  She spoke up and said it was artful and that the woman in the play sang beautifully.
He wasn't suppose to be with her. They were from different social classes. She was from money and he was not.  He was taken into custody by a group of men and found guilty for a crime he did not commit.  The punishment was torture. 
He was tortured in front of a crowd and she watched in horror from a distance. They were in love- he didn't complain about being tortured and she wanted justice.

Although most ordinary individuals are unaware of it, we exist in a constant play of cosmic forces.  When one becomes aware of this play, and then is able to consciously participate in the play of spiritual forces.  Metaphysically speaking, every move we make, circumstance, event in our lives, every thought, imagination, feeling, word, and deed- is supported by a corresponding spiritual force.  We attract and connect ourselves with spiritual forces beyond us, and we become agents of those forces in the material plane, whether for good of for ill.

Reference~War of the World Views by Deepak Chopra