My husband and I were going through a rough time in our marriage. I had prayed for insight to our problems and this is the dream I had. In my mind's eye I could see his face throughout the dream. Both men represent aspects of my husband.
From Journal Entry 12/4/2008
I'm in the Middle East, late 1800's. I'm there for a short time. I have traveled here by myself from the states. I am there as a journalist. I have a fiance in the states. I don't want to marry him. He has political power. He is controlling and very charming. The ruler of the country I am in notices me. He tries to persuade me to stay with him. I don't wish too. There are merchant tents in the hub where I'm at. I walk around to look at dresses. A Victorian dress catches my eye. It is ruby red. I try the dress on. I see this as my wedding dress. I take it off and cry. When it is time for me to leave, the ruler of the country tries to stop me. He sends his men after me. I wake up.
I knew this was unresolved karma we needed to work out. I shared this dream with my husband. I asked him if he felt I didn't want to marry him. His response was in fact yes. He felt I married him for other reasons. I reassured him that I did want to marry him and I deeply loved him. We were able to also talk about the other issues of the dream. I did in fact feel controlled by him and needed more space. Our relationship moved into a new direction from there.
Old fashion clothing and background setting is a clue on whether or not your seeing a glimpse of a past life. The theme that repeats itself most in these dreams is one of failure to forgive, trust, or love another in a previous lifetime. This is a reoccuring block with that person. The dream may depict original cause of the problem so you may understand and forgive.
Notes~the Victorian period was between 1837-1901
Resources~The Mystical Magical Marvelous World of Dreams, Wilda Tanner