When I was about 7 or 8 is when the attacks began. It would begin where I couldn't move, as if someone or something was holding me down. I would try to yell for my mom, but was unable to speak. I felt pressure on my chest and felt hands around my neck (like I was being choked). When it was happening I would try to wake up. I was terrified as I couldn't see anything in the room with me. I don't know how long the attack lasted and I would often wake up in the morning to find myself and all my bedding on the floor. This happened several times over the years.
I've come to learn that this is known as the Old Hag Syndrome. In many cultures it's believed that a nightmare spirit (witch) would torment children at night. The scientific community calls it sleep paralysis (sp). This is when you have temporary paralysis of the body. It's explained away as a hallucination. It doesn't change the fact that it felt real to me.
When I moved away from home at 15, I thought I was free from the Old Hag. Little did I know that again she would follow me to Phoenix. I wouldn't be visited by her until I was 22. I'll write another blog about it later.
Resources~ www.castleofspirits.com