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Sunday, May 20, 2018

My Dream of UFO: We're Not Alone

 From Journal Entry: 3/27/18

   I am standing outside with a group of people. Some of them I know. It is clear and sunny. A friend of mine points to something in the sky and says, "Do you see that?"
   I look and see an object that blends into the sky, except it's moving. It's like it is translucent but clearly it is a craft. I think wow we're really not alone. I look again, and this time I know what I'm looking for and am able to see several of these crafts in the sky. As those around me became aware of them, they became aware of us. A tinge of fear came over me; not knowing their intentions.

   If I was going to interpret this dream according to it's personal meaning for me, I would say that the UFO represents my creative mind and my spiritual journey into self-awareness. But I feel this dream is more than symbolic. I have seen UFOs in the past. I also believe we are not alone.  Interestingly enough, after I had this dream, there were two cases that I happened to listen to on Youtube that week. One is a negative encounter, and the other a very positive one.

   The Stardust Ranch

   The Stardust Ranch is outside of Phoenix, Arizona in the Rainbow Valley. A man named John Edmunds that lives on the property,  claims he has physical proof of the Greys. On the day he moved in, all the furniture from in the house was stacked in the swimming pool. Then a strange man came on the property saying he lived there and kept the monsters away. John soon after moving in, started seeing lights in the back of his property. They were triangle shaped and huge. His story gets really bizarre and takes a dark turn. The Greys end up in his bedroom repeatedly. It is worth listening to his story, if only for entertainment purposes.

   Energy Healing Gift from the Aliens

   A man named Matthew Ryan from Taos, New Mexico had an encounter with a UFO while on a hike in the mountains. He lost time while out in the middle of nowhere. Later during regression therapy, he unlocked the memory from the missing time that day. Matthew says he received a energy download and that his DNA was activated. He says, "Everything has a unique frequency signature and many of the star beings have the ability to dial into these frequency signatures."  

He was gifted with healing abilities. He remarks that the beings on the craft were from the Alpha Centauri Star System. Matthew sounded very convincing and seemed like just a normal guy that happened to have an amazing, extraordinary experience that changed his life.