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Monday, January 8, 2018

A Letter To My Reader: The Fox, Dog, and Hunter

Hopefully I can write down these words of wisdom to you, dear Reader, and they don't come out as complete shit. I don't want to disappoint you and lead you in circles. Only a good hunt with a wise fox can lead one in circles. How clever though that little fox that even the dog loses his scent and loses his reputation as a good hunting dog. When he returns home the hunter will beat him.

Please don't beat me if I out wit you Reader. I will tell you one of my secrets and that is I use more than just my five senses to write. Like that fox that out wits the dog, he is always one step ahead, foreseeing in his broad vision the tailored moves of his enemy the dog. How does he do that you ask? He forgets he's a fox and pretends he's a dog. He then asks himself what would a dog do?

This is intellectual stuff I am sharing with you. Can you forget yourself? Because once you're able to, the world beyond human senses opens up and this one fades away. All living souls blend together in this cosmic soup. The fox, the dog, and the hunter are all one in the same.