To be dissatisfied or
unhappy about one’s lifestyle is to cause dis-ease. We are here to overcome our problems and
challenges, not to be subservient to them… or to other people. Failure to do this results in anger,
frustration, and general malcontent.
In direct connection to
this dissatisfaction, many of our illnesses and injuries are self-created by
means of the “I can’t” attitude. We
can’t see our way clear to solve the dilemma (eye problems), we can’t stomach the
circumstances (stomach and digestive organs), or we lack the courage to stand
up and declare our rights (feet and leg difficulties). So, rather than lose face, we create an
illness or injury sufficient to excuse ourselves from the scene or to punish ourselves
for not finding a way to overcome the situation! This is the basic underlying cause of
Your dreams try to help
you become aware of what you are creating before the situation manifests as an
injury or disease in your body. It takes
real courage to stand up to authority figures, but once done it is worth the
effort. When we avoid this, the same
type of problem will lift its ugly head again and again until one day you will
say, Enough! I’ve had it! I won’t put up with this any longer!” Then you will do what you should have done
long ago.
CURE: First, the courage to stand up, face, and solve
your problem firmly and intelligently.
Second, see the whole
matter as a lesson necessary for your soul growth. (Remember, nothing happens
by accident.)
Third, be willing to
forgive yourself for any mistakes you feel you have made, and forgive those
around you as well.
Last, make it a point to
do the kind of things which make you truly happy. (To work at a job you hate or
where conditions are upsetting can definitely make you ill!) Strive toward goals that suit you and take
time to play and relax often. (If your
job won’t let you, change it!)
Reference~ The Mystical Magical Marvelous World of Dreams by Wilda Tanner