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Friday, September 13, 2013


As my cries go unheard, I seek God in His hiding place.  In the sorrows of my yesterdays I have wasted those forgotten days chasing shadows.  And now the ghosts of my past haunt me.  They won't let me rest. 

In my gross misunderstanding of your absence, I fail my Lord to not perceive your nearness.  It is due to my spiritual blindness that I doubt your ever presence.

Faith upholds a man or woman in his or her hour of need.  Surely whatever amount of days you have prescribed to this body, Lord, I must remain steadfast in my faith.  You have hidden yourself within my very body and in ignorance I have searched the world for proof.  I search no more in vain.

In the secret chambers of my heart I will meet you there.  When the Beloved retreats within your presence is known.  Quietly I retreat within and shut the door.  No created thing can enter here.