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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Moon and Sun Breath

The Outflowing Moon Breath:  Once attention has settled onto breathing, let The I Is An Illusion join with the outbreath.  A subtle wind is visualized moving upward through the body, the heart, and the restless mind, then exhaled.  Feel this breath carrying everything negative and unwanted along with it: illnesses, self-delusions, obsessions, fears, and angers, destructive desires- all the debris mind gathers to fabricate ego.  Give them all up as unsubstantial, gossamer, as smoke and shadow.

The Inflowing Sun Breath:  Let each inhalation become a breath of love, and mingled with it is the profound understanding God Alone Is Real.  Breath passes through the nose up to the gnostic eye in your forehead, first spreading light through the brain, then flowing down to the inner heart and merging with the soul.  Truth-yearning arises in the heart, drawing great luminous Presence to itself.  Finally it flows everywhere within, "illuminating all the universes."  Now Two ceases and One begins.

Reference~ A New Illuminated Rumi One Song