My writing is inspired by my vivid dreams, my active imagination, my twin flame 5D connection, and reflections on my daily life. Empowering women who are recovering from abuse and guiding souls through their spiritual awakening.
Blue Sapphire orchids fell within my gaze They caught my eye and sent all of my troubles away For a moment I transcended all of my...
Monday, July 4, 2011
The Fragrance of Truth
I strayed upon the path of God. I was warned not to look back. If I looked back I would see Satan. I was now on the path where Satan could not come with me. I kept walking; the fragrance of truth was inviting me home.
My journey began when I was 7 and experienced spiritual attacks. As a young adult I wanted to learn more about my experiences. I began researching and journaling my dreams. I didnt know it at the time but my journals would become valuable to me. I saw a pattern emerge. What I was dreaming days, weeks, or years before was happening in my waking life.
At the age of 24, I met my twin soul and my spiritual gifts multiplied. At the age of 32, I had my kundalini awakening that was brought on by a psychological crisis and my failing marriage. 10 years later I would find myself divorced and healing from years of narcissistic abuse.
I want to encourage others to journal their dreams because what is inside of you does create your reality. Dreams allow you to also identify the many egos within you and work towards eliminating them. They are a good tool to use to awaken your consciousness and prepare for your next journey beyond this life.
My faith in God has gotten me through many dark nights. My spiritual path is difficult and anyone in search of truth will know its not easy to follow Gods calling in your life. When you do finally encounter God it changes you forever.