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Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Prayers

Praying is so important to do throughout the day. I am constantly praying. Whether it be for my loved ones or the homeless guy I notice on the street, or for guidance. How you pray and your attitude are the key ingredients for a good prayer.

By definition a prayer is an energy or power that emanates out from us in all directions. Everything we expect, good or bad, conscious or unconscious, we are helping to bring into being.

There are two types of prayers that most of us use in our misunderstanding of God's nature. A prayer that asks God to intervene, assumes that God can intervene, but only if he decides to honor our request. The second, a prayer that assumes that God is ready and willing but has set up the laws of human existence, so that whether the request is fulfilled depends in some part on the certainty of our belief that it will be done.

Our field of prayer act very quickly to bring us exactly what we expect. When we go into these negative expectations, our prayer field collapses, because we lose our connection with the Divine. Pray with clear intent and an outpouring of love. Prayers should be affirmations and not requests. Become detached from all outcomes so to open yourself up to the synchronicity that can guide you to a true direction to go in.

God speaks to us in many ways. I often will be sent a message in a dream, or a series of events (synchronicity) will guide me as to what to do. Be open to all possibilities and truly love!

Resource~Celestine Prophecy