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Sunday, August 27, 2023

Soulmates- Don’t Settle For Less

Why settle for less than this:

The love that holds you 

when you feel shattered, broken, 


The love that embraces you 

while your heart is aching 

and swaddles you with its warm presence

while you are quaking with fear. 

The love that doesn't turn away. 

The love that never shames you. 

Never tries to fix you or tell you 

that you are wrong, or sick, 

or unevolved. 

The love that sees you. 

That validates your experience. 

Bows to your perceptions, desires, 

feelings, needs. 

Sees your anger as holy.

Your sorrow as sacred.

But doesn't try to save you. 

The love that doesn't promise 

what it cannot deliver.

The love that doesn't expect you 

to abandon yourself either.

This is the love you deserve, friend,

because it's the love that you are.

The love that radiates from your very core.

And you long for your own reflection.

Your own radiance, reflected!

To feel alive, yes, to let your soul sing!

And to be witnessed by a mate. 

A friend. A lover. 

For a day. For a week. 

Or for a lifetime.

In presence,

we can all be soul mates 

for each other.

- Jeff Foster