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Sunday, February 12, 2023

My Life: The Chameleon


Journal Entry 1/10/2023

I'm home for two weeks because of Covid. I feel fine though. This morning I was doing Yoga and Tai Chi. While doing Tai Chi, I could feel how much lighter my energy felt. It was noticeable. It made me happy. It was like a confirmation that all the energy work I've done on myself has paid off. I have gotten rid of emotional and mental baggage. 

I remembered the first time I went to a Tai Chi class. It was during my divorce. The instructor, at the end of the class, made a comment about how my energy was heavy and encouraged me to keep doing Tai Chi. 

Then, I got this synchronicity, from an email subscription, it blew my mind!

It read like this... A very heavy energy has been released. There's a new energy of relief and revival. It is a major mental breakthrough. You are conquering a major soul lesson. The lesson is that you can be and have the right to be in control of your reality. You didn't prioritize yourself. You took whatever was in front of you without even thinking about yourself. Because you're breaking free, there are going to be brighter and better opportunities ahead of you. It's like you're clearing up a new path. No more being a chameleon for others, you can be your authentic self. 

Also, need to note here that my ex-boyfriend stopped by last week (the week before the dream). It was like a scene out of a Colleen Hoover novel (which I'm reading to bond with my 15-year-old daughter). I was in the bathtub and he was pounding on my door. It was, in my opinion, his last attempt to rectify our relationship. And yes, looking back, in order to be with him, I definitely would have become the chameleon once again!