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Thursday, February 23, 2023

I Will Remind You

“When you feel unseen

I will see you

When you feel unappreciated

I will celebrate your brilliance and applaud your success

When you feel unwanted

I will welcome and embrace you

When you feel unheard

I will listen to you

When you feel unloved

I will shower you with love and affection

When you feel weak and powerless

I will remind you of your inner strength

When you feel exhausted and weary

I will let you rest and recuperate

When you feel hurt and betrayed

I will give you space to heal and mend your heart

When you feel stuck and stagnant

I will empower you to regain momentum

When you make mistakes

I will celebrate your growth and progress

When you stumble and fall

I will help you recover, then rise

When you feel shame

I will remind you that no single human being is perfect 

When you feel insecure

I will remind you of your gifts, talents and strengths

When you feel strange, weird or quirky

I will embrace your uniqueness and authenticity

When you feel ugly

I will remind you of your unique beauty

When you feel like giving up

I will remind you of the reason you first began

When you feel discouraged

I will comfort and reassure you in your depths

When you feel suffocated by life

I will hold your hand through the darkness

When you feel lost

I will help you navigate through the murkiness of life

When you feel lonely

I will show up fully for you

When you doubt yourself

I will remind you of your potential

And when you feel invisible and insignificant

I will remind you who you are.”

— Tahlia Hunter