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Friday, August 12, 2022

The Story of Sapphire and Arion: Life After Thaddeus


Sapphire was finally settled into her new life after the end of nearly two decades with Thaddeus. She liked her new home, near the mountains where the sacredness of nature greeted her every morning with a prominent presence just outside her window.

Sapphire was satisfied with herself and what she had accomplished in the last five years. Her transformation was painful. All her shadows seemed to appear at once and needed to be dealt with head on. Sapphire faced her insecurities, her fears, and all of her new challenges with a valiant spirit.

Her prayer time was holy. On her alter was a votive candle of Jesus, a picture of her in a tree at the age of seven, and Arion’s letters to Thaddeus from a lifetime ago.

The candle gave her a sense of being present with Jesus and personalized her
prayer time with Him. The picture reminded Sapphire of her playful nature that she desperately wanted to reunite with. And the letters were for her eyes only. They held Arion’s essence and in a mystical way transported her through time and space to the younger version of him. It kept his memory alive and the memory of that fateful day, when she was a young woman and encountered Arion, setting the stars on course for an unforgettable journey.

And now, present day, Sapphire is alone... alone by choice. Spending time learning about herself and healing from karmic relationships that have finally shifted to a restorative balance. The scales are reacting favorably to her decisions that were thoughtfully executed.

Her singleness as a middle-aged woman has been a sacred space that Sapphire calls, The In-between. Not here nor there. To her it feels more like a waiting room. But she's unsure what she's waiting for.

The grey owl visited her dreams with a powerful message. The dream serving as a message to be on the lookout for something in the near future. Maybe good, maybe not. Maybe, like the feeling in the dream, maybe no judgement at all.
Sapphire remains open to what is headed her way.

Sapphire distanced her thoughts and her heart from Arion. His audible voice now a faint whisper to her quieting mind. She was living her life; he was living his. Tears still fall when she sits alone obedient in prayer. A grievance that still torments her soul.

There are many haunted places still within Sapphire that hold Arion’s memory. Different faces that moan and cry. Someday she will go and see the pain so she can better understand what exactly it is that her soul thirst for. But deep down she knows the answer but dare not speak it. She also knows we all have our own path to follow. Sapphire's Higher Self was guiding her on a path of new beginnings. She wondered if Arion was listening to the guidance of his Higher Self. Sapphire saw two outcomes and wondered if Arion saw them too.