My writing is inspired by my vivid dreams, my active imagination, my twin flame 5D connection, and reflections on my daily life. Empowering women who are recovering from abuse and guiding souls through their spiritual awakening.
She wonders if she's worth the trouble
She's been told
She's complicated
And always showing him
Who she is
With her rebellious spirit
And untamed nature
She wonders why being herself
Is a problem
And why he still holds on to her
The purpose of a twin flame relationship is to awaken you to your untapped potential and ignite a fire deep inside you. This relationship pushes you to do and be better, and at the end of the day, it opens up a world of possibilities you never even dreamed of. “This journey demands spiritual growth,.. twin flame journey is to bring unconditional love into the world, to heal old wounds and traumas, remove karma, and to raise the vibration of humanity so that humans can ‘ascend’ to the ‘new Earth’.
Dear self,
What if during the times when you felt the most abandoned and lonely
You discovered that you were also the most free and unburdened?
What if during the times when you felt the most rejected and unwanted
You discovered how to fully love, nurture and embrace yourself?
What if the newfound space left by their absence
Allowed for you to create and form new beautiful things
That were a better fit for you?
What if when you felt unheard and unseen
You viewed it as an opportunity to value your own voice and presence
And speak elsewhere in spaces capable of appreciating you
What if you stopped comparing your progress to others And becoming distracted by their accomplishments and achievements
And instead focused on your own path, goals and personal definition of success
As no one can be a better them than them
And no one can be a better you than you?
What if you viewed momentary failures
As stepping stones directing you towards your final destination?
What if rather than stressing about your dreams seeming far away
You chose to celebrate how far you have come?
What if instead of seeking approval and validation from others
You learnt to fill yourself up first?
And what if rather than looking to others to define you
You chose to step up and become the architect of your own life
And writer of your own story?
Excerpt from “A Year Of Love Letters To Myself: 365 Passages Of Healing, Wisdom And Encouragement,” being released on the 30th of April.
Get my free eBook and others here at this link: https://www.tahliahunter.com/
Artwork by the very talented Loui Jover. Follow him at this link: https://www.facebook.com/lojoverart
Dear Invisible Lover,
want you to know that you were the inspiration for my blog.
In the beginning, when I was completely love-struck by you, I didn't know if we
would ever get the opportunity to know each other.
In 2010, when I started my blog, we both were married and started families of
our own.
I remember praying about it because you were so heavily on my mind and in my
I felt such a strong connection to you..
I was dreaming of you often and it began to feel like I was a part of your
life, but in a way that isn't dictated by normal everyday reality.
I felt such a strong inner pull guiding me to share myself with you in a way that
could be tangible..
Where you could know me intimately.
And my back thought was there would never be an opportunity for us to know each
Crazy that I also believed you would be scared away once you read about me and
really got to know me..
I thought you'd run in the other direction.
I thought you'd think this chic is insane.
I never thought that I'd find myself on this life journey with another human
being that knows my ins and outs..
My pain.
My dreams.
My burdens.
My shame.
My everything.
That was then.
Fast forward to now..
And I see how my words are helping others on their spiritual journey.
It may have started as a personal journal to you, where you could access my
private thoughts, but it's evolved into something grander.
I still feel I am writing to you..
Even though you've never communicated that this connection is real.
I realize I look like a fool.
But I know in my spirit I am being obedient..
Not to you but to God.
See the thing is this..
God did answer my prayer and He led me to share and bare my soul to the world.
Who am I to defy God?
She's learned to be comfortable with uncomfortable.
She's learned to be okay with not always succeeding when you're doing your best.
She's learned, the hard way, that life isn't fair but it gives back what you put into it.
She's fallen many times, and each time she gets back up.
She knows if you don't get back up, you've already failed.
She knows by pushing forward, in the direction of her dreams, she's one step closer to achieving them.
Through heartache, perseverance, and sheer determination she is her own hero.
That's what life has taught her...
Not to wait for a knight in shining armor.
But by being courageous and picking up your own sword and by going after what you really want in life...
Your destiny awaits you.