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Friday, June 4, 2021

The Broken Power Couple


There are good men out there that are broken too.
They are working on themselves instead of getting caught up in destructive patterns of self hate.
They know drinking leads to cheating.. that cheating leads to lying.. that lying ends in divorce.
They are intentionally loving themselves back to whole... healing childhood wounds.
They are choosing to live more consciously.. more aware of the impact their words and actions have on others.
They are not looking for the perfect woman.
They know she doesn't really exist.
They've outgrown the fairytales.
They are looking for that woman who wears brokenness like a crown because she's a queen that's mastered herself.
And he's a king that doesn't mask his wounds.
He displays them with grace.
When these two meet and form a partnership they are a strong, fierce loving couple capable of enduring anything together.. capable of loving each other back to whole.