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Posted August 10, 2017 |
From Journal Entry: July 29, 2017
I was at Safeway with a client. As we walked past the flowers, I saw the most beautiful orchids. I looked at the tag for the description and it said, Blue Sapphire. It instantly made me think of you and brought a smile to my face. Later that day, I started watching a new Netflix series, Longmire. The intro song was Transcendental Blues by Steve Earle. I got goose bumps. I instantly knew the sychronicities that day were no coincidence.
So many thoughts of you were playing through my head during that difficult period in my life.
So many wounds I was stitching up and still am.
At times my thoughts of you felt so loud, I was sure you'd hear them and respond.
You must of heard them because the Universe sent me your message!
I've always held my own hand all through life supporting my heartaches.
I swear there have been times I felt your invisible hands touching mine.
The memory of you that summer day, blaring your loud music on your speakers of Steve Earle came flooding back.
I can't tell you how many times I've played his songs, read his lyrics, and memorized them just so I could feel closer to you.
When I'm feeling sad, I will direct my thoughts to you.
It's the one thing that always works to calm my heart and mind.
The memories of you serve a purpose.. they stabilize me on my off days.
The sychronicities remind me that we are in alignment.. that you're in my heart space where I can always find you.
As for the blue sapphires, I choose the name Sapphire in my writings because of it's historical relevance to royalty (heaven's stone) and religious significance of nobility, truth, sincerity, and faithfulness.
I know you read my words.
Spirit has confirmed this in my soul.
I hope my writing has inspired you to live your truth and seek balance in your own life. #HighwayBlues