The road to a thousand sun beams
begins with one foot-
Don't walk heavy
with burdens, sadness
Goodness grief Friend-
Don't you know that the road you travel
will take you to your treasure?
Yes, the world is cruel
and fate seems unkind
But you are being refined
for a new Suitor
Trust the heart that pulls
you towards him
You have not met him yet-
only in your dreams
But your roads are going to cross
and you will recognize him
For his smile will remind you
of a thousand sun beams
begins with one foot-
Don't walk heavy
with burdens, sadness
Goodness grief Friend-
Don't you know that the road you travel
will take you to your treasure?
Yes, the world is cruel
and fate seems unkind
But you are being refined
for a new Suitor
Trust the heart that pulls
you towards him
You have not met him yet-
only in your dreams
But your roads are going to cross
and you will recognize him
For his smile will remind you
of a thousand sun beams