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Friday, February 3, 2017

Gnostic Teachings- The Two Lines of Life, Part 3

The Line of Being

It is here we find another line, a line that runs in a totally different direction from the Line of Life. The Line of Being expresses levels of consciousness. In the Line of Being there are many levels. There are "more" conscious beings and "less" conscious beings.

As we travel the Line of Life we are always at one or another Level of Being. We have more conscious moments and less conscious moments. What differentiates these moments in life is not how successful we are and how much money we have, how much we have impressed people. What really makes a difference in life is our Level of Being: how conscious we are, how sincere we are, how honest, how aware. Our level of consciousness determines whether we are living with great complexities and problems, great sufferings or with great peace.

If we are angry and vengeful, our life will be filled with circumstances that relate with these qualities. If we are lustful, our life will be filled with the problems related to lust. The more lust, anger, and pride we have, the lower our Level of Being.

What we need is to use the consciousness itself in order to change ourselves internally. The consciousness is the root of perception. It is that part in us that perceives with absolute purity, without feelings, without thinking, and without sensation. It is raw perception in a pure, unaltered form. The consciousness is our direct connection with our own divinity. This is the root principle upon which every genuine meditation practice is based.

We need to learn what our Level of Being is and we learn that by being vigilant, by learning how to watch, how to pay attention, how to be conscious of our movement through the Line of Life. The more conscious we are of our movement through life, the more we raise our Level of Being.
