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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Dream of The Chakras: The Holy Relationship

From Journal Entry 4/20/2016

Me and a small group of women are sitting in a auditorium discussing relationships. One woman says, "It is to make the unholy relationship holy, to make manifest the desires of the inner invisible body with the outer spinal body, and to build it on faith."


In order to understand the word of God and unite the male and female energies, which lays hidden within you, you have to work with your spinal column (chakras). The spinal column is where the seven main chakras are located. The whole purpose of the spinal column is to consciously work with the chakras and raise the serpent (kundalini). Through fornication (spilling the seed) the serpent descends and we remain trapped in a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

When a woman and a man practice chastity (white tantra), they reject the impure sexuality. True chastity is pure sexuality, or the activity of sex in harmony with our true nature. Properly used it refers to sexual fidelity or honor. The sexual energy (serpent) then rises up, and through the crown chakra the female and male energies merge with the Universal Mind (God, Creator, etc.) into a state of bliss.
