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Friday, January 16, 2015

The Lover and The Beloved- Part 5

~They asked the Lover: 'Whereof is Love born, whereon does it live, and wherefore does it die?'  The Lover answered: 'Love is born of remembrance, it lives on understanding, it dies through forgetfulness.'

~The Lover forgot all that was beneath the high heavens that his understanding might soar the higher towards a knowledge of the Beloved, whom his will desired to comprehend, to contemplate, praise, and preach.

~The Lover desired to attain to the farthest goal of his love for the Beloved; and other objects blocked his path.  For this cause his longing desires and thoughts gave the Lover sorrow and grief.

~The Lover was glad, and rejoiced in the greatness of his Beloved.  But afterwards the Lover was sad because of overmuch thought and reflection.  And he knew not which he felt the more deeply- the joys or the sorrows.

~Imprisoned was the Lover in the prison of Love.  Thoughts, desires and memories held and enchained him lest he might flee from his Beloved.  Griefs tormented him; patience and hope consoled him.  And the Lover was dying, but the Beloved revealed to him His presence, and the Lover revived.

~The Lover was wiping away the tears which for Love's sake he had shed, that none should see the sufferings which the Beloved sent him.  But the Beloved said: 'Why wouldst thou hide from others these marks of thy love? Behold, I have given them to thee that others may love and honour Me also.'

Reference~Book of the Lover and the Beloved, Ramon Lull