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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Noah's Ark- Part 8

John Collier painted this portrait of a Greek Baccante with her symbolic items: the skin of the slain animal desire, the wreath of victory on her head, and in her hand, the staff topped by a pine cone, symbol of the awakened pineal gland, the "seat of the soul," the "eye of Brahma," or in other words, the source of spiritual vision.

 The Ark represents stages of development of the "body".  Genesis 6:14 "Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shall thou make in the ark, and shall pitch it within and without with pitch".

In Hebrew the first two letters can be interpreted as "wood" or "tree".  The two trees of significance in the Bible are written with the Hebrew "ets" the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Pitch refers to how the vessel is hermetically sealed, to keep the impure flood waters out.

This whole story started with the abuse of the tree of knowledge.  It is why Adam and Eve had to leave the garden.  Thus, the way to return is by the same tree.

"Now the man knew his wife, Eve, and she conceived and bore Cain..." Genesis 4:1  In the Bible, knowledge implies sexual knowledge.  Moreover, it is related to fire:  sexual desire is a "burning" energy.  The tree of knowledge of good or evil is dualistic, meaning sexual energy can be good or evil.  To build the ark, to return to Eden, one has to know how to use the tree in a good way.

"...qenim shalt thou make in the tebah..." Genesis 6:14  In English qenim is translated as "room", but actually it is plural for reeds, canes, or stalks.  It is an ancient symbol of the spinal column of a spiritually developed person.  It is plural here because the work to create the Ark is a collaboration between man and woman.

The spinal cord is the conduit that transmits all the energies of our nervous system, and supports the energetic channels between our sexual organs and our brain.
