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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Noah's Ark- Part 1

In the original Hebrew scripture there is no reference to a boat, Genesis/Bereshit 6:14 "Make thee a tebah of gopher wood..." Tebah means "chest, box, case, or hull, body."  Tebah indicates a container.  The word "ark" appears in the Latin translation as "arca."  It translates into a chest, both as a box and the trunk of the human body and also as a coffin.

In the Bible, there are several types of "arks."  In each case, the "ark" is a container that protects something sacred.  It is like the "hull" of a seed: it protects the life-giving elements inside.  The word "ark" is related to "arcane, arcanum" which means something hidden, a secret, known only to those specially informed.  The arcane knowledge has always been reserved for those who were prepared beforehand to use it.
