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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rumi- My Favorite Lines of Poetry

~What I feel does not occur in time.
~My soul flies against the constraining cage.
~I grow old inside your light.
~You ease the heart and make God's qualities visible.
~Now silence lets the one behind your eyes talk.
~Silence reveals more than language.
~Be faithful that you may know faith.
~We have fallen into the place where everything is music.
~When I am outside of you, life is a torment.
~There is a shredding that is really a healing, that makes you more alive.
~Love helps you see into the invisible.
~What hurts you blesses you.
~The cloth God weaves does not wear out.
~Take it inside you, that one whose presence is water.
~Better we should not speak it, but let it grow within.
~A true holy day for a man or a woman is the one when they bring themselves as the sacrifice.
~The pain of love is fire.
~I drank water from your spring and felt the current take me.

Reference ~The Big Red Book, Coleman Barks