From Journal Entry 1/9/10
I dreamt about these orbs of light. Each one representing a soul of an individual. They were suspended above the earth- waiting. Waiting for the consciousness on earth to rise, so they could move on. There was a movement in consciousness occurring on earth. As we awaken, the souls on the other side are waiting, as if to be lead. Partly out of fear they didn't move. Where they were- there was light. When they looked ahead of themselves, they saw darkness. They feared going into the darkness. It was the Void. God assured them that by going into the darkness, once thru it, there would be light and with it a higher state of enlightenment (closer to God). I saw the Void in space and the orbs waiting to be lead into the Void. It only took one to go first, and all the rest would follow. There was a 'knowing' that you didn't know how much time would be spent traveling thru it. But if you wanted enlightenment you had to have faith. Faith was required to continue on your journey to enlightenment. They were waiting for me to lead them thru the Void.
Native Americans refer to the Void as 'The Breath of the Invisible' out of which the four elements come: air, fire, water, and earth. Its meaning is space- the space of 'Nothing-ness' out of which everything comes. Before anything can come into existence, there has to be room for it to manifest. 'The breath' is also a way of describing the activation of the Life-Force which gives all things their 'aliveness' and conscious awareness. This Presence can be called 'God'.
The black hole at the center of our galaxy has no name. The theory is that every galaxy has a nucleus, a black hole, and the astonishing gravitational pull of the condensed energy of the one in the Milky Way gives our galaxy its spiral shape. The most powerful black hole discovered so far is called QSUB0827.9+5255. It contains more energy than a quadrillion of our suns and 63,000 of our galaxies. A black hole is the most physically extreme object in the universe. Black hole research is one of those edges over which science and mysticism gaze with the same awe.
References ~Earth Medicine by Kenneth Meadows & The Big Red Book by Coleman Barks