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Monday, December 20, 2010

Keeping a Prayer Journal

I do not have perfect faith, no one does. Seeking out God requires opening your heart up and observing what is in it. It means not judging your feelings but gaining a deeper understanding of them. Everything that happens to you has meaning and purpose. By being obedient to God you move closer to the truth of who you are. When a relationship seems broken, there's a need for change. Sometimes the truth hurts the ones you love most, but it becomes a journey of unconditional love and self discovery. By letting our story of sorrows, happiness, joy, and pain guide us on our journey, we trust in God that there is value in our feelings. I believe it's God's way of speaking to us.
To experience a closeness to God, a Prayer Journal offers a relationship with him and gives us guidance in our daily life. Below is an entry from my journal when my husband and I were going through a difficult time. God gives us many chances to restore our faith in him, all we have to do is pray and listen to our hearts.

From Journal Entry: 6/24/09

Praise: When we seek God often we find him.
My sins: Lack of trust I have in my husband, there's still some forgiveness I need to do. Letting my thoughts wander. Yelling at my kids.
Request: God I ask that you guide this family and teach us to love one another more tenderly. Help me trust my husband again. Keep my family safe.
Thanks God for constantly reminding me of your presence in my life. It is the building blocks of my faith.
Listening: Everything is going to be okay.

*In the praise section, write a prayer giving him the glory he deserves.
*Next admit your sins to God.
*In the request section, write down your concerns and request for yourself and others.
*Next section give thanks to God.
*In the listening section, write down what ever you feel God is saying to you.

~Reference, The Road Home by Denise Jackson