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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Wild Mongoose

A wild mongoose is on the loose.
It peeked out from under my bed.
That mongoose ran circles around my dog Big Red.
Red barked and carried on,
chasing that mongoose out into the yard.
My little sister was screaming at the top of her lungs.
It startled my neighbors and my mom.
She came out of the house and asked,
"What is all the yelling about?"
I said, "There's a mongoose on the loose.
It was hiding under my bed and it scared Big Red."
My mom replied, "You stay right here. I'm going
to go get the broom."
I quickly remarked, "What good is that going to do?"
The mongoose ran into the barn.
He was now trapped and couldn't go very far.
He was in between two bales of hay.
This had turned out to be not your ordinary day.
I yelled at my dog, "Get him boy! You can do it!"
Big Red was waiting for the perfect moment.
He snatched up that mongoose.
Big Red had him locked in his jaws.
My mom returned and her mouth dropped.
She began yelling, "Stop, stop, stop!"
I calmly said, "Mom it's okay. Just go behind
the house and get the old bird cage."
My mom ran as quick as she could. And with
the bird cage she returned.
Carefully we put the mongoose inside of there.
Poor little guy was shaking, he was scared.
I pleaded with my mom,"Please can I keep him?"
She hesitated but then said, "As long as you feed him."
I named him Speedy, which suits him good.
He's hard to see when he's loose in my room.