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Monday, December 23, 2024

Be the Steady Hand

Ernest Hemingway once said: In our darkest moments, we don’t need solutions or advice. What we yearn for is simply human connection—a quiet presence, a gentle touch. These small gestures are the anchors that hold us steady when life feels like too much.

Please don’t try to fix me. Don’t take on my pain or push away my shadows. Just sit beside me as I work through my own inner storms. Be the steady hand I can reach for as I find my way.

My pain is mine to carry, my battles mine to face. But your presence reminds me I’m not alone in this vast, sometimes frightening world. It’s a quiet reminder that I am worthy of love, even when I feel broken.

So, in those dark hours when I lose my way, will you just be here? Not as a rescuer, but as a companion. Hold my hand until the dawn arrives, helping me remember my strength.

Your silent support is the most precious gift you can give. It’s a love that helps me remember who I am, even when I forget.

Monday, December 16, 2024

It’s the Feminine That Leads a Relationship

 It’s the feminine that actually leads a relationship

(in the subtle)...

For anyone who has touched the polarity world

You’d know

That the masculine leads.

That’s what they tell you right

It’s up to the man to lead

To take charge

To have direction

And for the feminine

For the woman…

She is in an unending state of surrender.

Just simply waiting for him to know

Exactly where they need to go.

I think whoever came up with this teaching doesn’t really know much about women at all.

It paints a sexy picture...

The sweet receptive feminine

And the brash confident masculine

With their incredible electric polarity

The stuff of movies

And our wildest erotic fantasies

Like all archetypal stories… it’s a myth

It’s an ideal that can teach us something

But it’s not really real.

Anyone who tries to live this to the letter

Is in for an unpleasant surprise

Because that’s not how relationships actually work...

Most women aren’t just waiting around

Trusting him to know everything

Offering up every bit of their own authority

And outsourcing it to him

Most men don’t want to lead everything all the time

Constantly guessing and anticipating

His life not much more than an attempt to mind-read

And meet her endless needs

Feel the dysfunction in that

Feel the contortion in it

It’s not healthy.

There is a deeper truth to be found…

We need to explore some ancient wisdom to make sense of what really happens between us

The Yin-Yang

This symbol has persisted for so long

Because it has so much to teach

Inside the Yin is a core of Yang

Inside the Yang is a core of Yin

Interesting that.

Leading and following is not one-dimensional

It is multi-dimensional

Understanding this, changes everything...

In the subtle… the realms of the non-verbal

The non-linear. The non-rational

The quantum oracular nature of the feminine shines

This is where she knows, through her sensing

What needs to happen next...

This is her Yang

Yet in the subtle she leads this gracefully

through invitations

The better she invites

And inspires

The more he will be able to receive her sensing and turn it into experiences for them.

That little glance up to meet his eyes for just a second

An Invitation.

“Where would you like to go for dinner?” he asks.

“I don’t know… maybe somewhere romantic and cosy”

An Invitation.

“I read this post on tantric intimacy the other day, it’s fascinating, can I share it with you?”

An Invitation.

The arch of her body straining for his lips or his touch

An invitation.

Always an invitation to journey somewhere

Experience something

Go deeper

His position is to lead in the concrete.

He hears her invitation and picks up the phone and makes the reservation to just the right restaurant that will give that vibe to enhance the mood she is sensing.

He sees her glance and mustering his confidence strides across the room to introduce himself.

He finds the post she is referring to, then reads more… finally booking them into a weekend workshop recognising that this invitation is going to make things so much yummier between them.

He reaches out to touch or kiss her right there, at the right time, in the right way...

His Yin core is Attunement.

Deep listening.

Her Yang core is Invitation.

We are multi-dimensional beings

Dancing with each other in synergy

Across layers of time and space

The better we get at this dance

The more profound the intimacy we experience.

Doubt the one-dimensional polarity teachings

Because they are limiting

And will never take you where you know you can go.

Because you are so so so much vaster than that…

~ Damien Bohler

Monday, December 2, 2024

What Every Women Should Understand


1. Your biggest enemy is yourself. That enemy is the one who makes you overthink, develop a low self-esteem, make you emotionally unstable and give you headache. Love yourself from the inside first before you expect love from the outside.

2. You are not in a relationship with a man until you both clearly state it.  Don't get carried away by the idea of love with a man simply because he spends time with you or treats you special.

3. If you are in a relationship or marriage, demanding your man to spend time with you will not make him do so.  A man willingly spends time with you because you give him peace and he enjoys your company. Attract him the same way you peacefully and warmly attracted him when he was pursuing you.

4. Mr.  Right is the man who offers a conducive environment for you to be the best you. Choose your environment well.

5. Your husband will never find you if you keep fooling around with other women's husbands.

6. Mr.  Right can also hurt you. The difference is that Mr.  Right hurts when he hurts you, he apologises, owns up to his short comings and makes effort to love you better. Love is a learning process.

7. Silent treatment will not solve anything. If your man hurts you, learn to speak your hurt and teach him to love you better. The best couples have mastered the art of conflict resolution.

8. Most men don't mind being corrected. What they do mind is the tone with which you correct them. The world has been harsh towards women for years, but tone down your defensive mode and learn to communicate effectively with respect and love. You two don't have to fight and argue to look like you are addressing issues.

9. A man who is not serious about you will avoid accountability, will operate in grey areas and will hide you. You will never go far with him. Serious men like being kept accountable, they take pride in what they commit to and are not afraid of responsibilities.

10. Getting pregnant for a man will not make him serious about you. Men are serious about a woman because they have a personal vision that includes her.

11. If you are not a woman who knows herself, relationships and marriages will bring you drama. Your self awareness is your personal responsibility.

12. If you do know yourself and you get married to a man who doesn't know himself, he will frustrate you. Be careful in him being lost he doesn't make you lose you. When marriages go bad, the repurcations are heaviest on the woman.

13. Just because you have a relationship with God or you marry someone who has a relationship with God does not mean your marriage will work. You two have to learn to relate with each other, not just with God.

14. There are good men in this world, just like there are good women in this world. You will not encounter those good men if you keep entertaining the wrong ones and frequenting where the wrong ones dwell.

15. During dating, if you want to see the calibre of man you are getting to know, put off sex and see if he will stay, if he is interested for more than just sex. Be careful, some men will tell you all kinds of promises to get you to bed. They are just curious about how sexing you feels like, not interested to grow with you. Once they sex you, the curiosity goes, especially after you get pregnant. 

16. Relationships/marriages don't always end or struggle because of the man, sometimes you are the problem. Learn to be honest and objective to see your wrong. If you two work together, your love will grow stronger.

17. An insecure man will fight everything that is good about you; from your success, your career, your beauty, your personality, your education and he will blame you for his own issues. He is the problem, not you.  Don't dim your light for a man whose identity is in darkness.

18. If you have a good man, don't exaggerate the wrong he has done today to the point that you forget how good he has been to you. Don't make him feel unappreciated because he didn't do as you wanted him to today. Keep your perspective and don't overreact.

19. Don't be that woman who has been so damaged by wrong men that when the good man comes along you push him away.

20. Before you go and share your issues with your man to your friends, share them with him.  The solution lies between you two. If he is stubborn or you two still disagree, then share with someone he can be accountable to, like a true friend or a counsellor, if it gets worse, involve both your parents.

21. Disagreement or a bad day in your relationship or marriage doesn't mean it is breaking apart. Keep calm. Don't panic.

22. No matter how much your husband loves you, he might not see your dreams or even support you that much. You have to learn to defend and nurture your dreams even if he doesn't get it.

22. Complaining and nagging will never give you the desired results, it will only push your man away from you and make him tolerate you instead of enjoy you. If you want to inspire him to do more for and with you, appreciate him, have pleasant conversations with him, be easy to talk to.

23. If you don't learn how to say no, people and the world will use you and dump you. 

24. Remember, there is more to life than marriage, sex and having children. You are a blessing with so much to accomplish and pursue as an individual.

25. Don't be hard on yourself. Pat yourself on the back for how far you have gone .Good Night Everyone.

~ Credit to unknown writer ✍️