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Wednesday, November 20, 2024

An Evolved Man

An evolved man will not try to pry your heart open or penetrate you with his masculine presence in bed or out of it.

He will create a space for you to slowly blossom open.

He is in no hurry to see what every petal looks like, smells like, tastes like...

He needs nothing from you to fill his being so to him, however long it takes is irrelevant.

He has no agenda with you. None. 

He doesn't need sex from you.

He doesn't need love from you. 

He doesn't need validation from you.

What he desires is your choice. To choose him. 

And for him that choice is felt when you allow your heart to melt more and more in his presence.

He knows that as much as he wants to take you, it's you that must give him the permission to do so freely by your choice to open your heart to him.

You see my dear women, it is your choice always. 

Every man knows this deep down. 

It is you who chooses who to give yourself to and therefore no amount of him prying you open is really what either of you want in your love dynamic.

We are so conditioned to experience love through the way a man tries to be the hero and the way we want our hearts to be pryed because that's what we see in stories, movies, media.

If a man is trying to pry you open it is a reflection of the way you ask your own heart to be pryed open in your life: forcing yourself, pushing yourself to exhaustion, creating unnecessary chaos in your life just to feel present and alive.

We are not victims and we don't need our hearts to be unlocked by another human. We can give ourselves permission to allow our own hearts to unfold.

And we can recognize when a man is giving us the space to unfold in his presence so that we can gift him with our choice to be with him.

The power of that kind of choice... Requires responsibility.

Are you ready???

-Lauren Sheehan