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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Fictional Love Story


The words I want to say to you are sitting on my chest. 

So many emotions I've carried around with me with no suitable place to go.

I'm tired of feeling this way..

Loved but not loved, heard but not validated.

There comes a point one gets to when the heavy grief that burdens the heart has to go somewhere. 

I've come to that point of longing no more because my heart is numb.

Carrying around a hope that one day you'll be real was killing me.

This fictional love story is just that.. fiction.

A woman needs more then the vague ghostly figure that visits her dreams. 

I've been reminded of my value.

I've been reminded that there is someone out there longing for a woman like me..

Free spirited,  fun loving, courageous,  and believes in magic.

But even in the reminding, I'm left feeling like a piece of me is missing, and knowing in my core, you're the missing piece. 

But, these days, I've reclaimed my power. 

I choose now to leave that missing piece as a space within me where you can come and go, visit when you want.

I choose an open door between your heart and mine, and if the world doesn't like it..

that's not my problem.