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Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Companion

darling, there's someone out there who is a vibrational match to you. someone who will walk with you on your journey... who knows your pain and even your thoughts before you speak them. when two people are doing the innerwork to heal their wounds and long for transformation,  that's when the divine intervenes and brings the two of you together. don't ever feel you have to do this alone. don't ever think that you're the only one that feels pain. we are all connected... vibrating at different frequencies. darling, just keep doing you, and i promise that your soul friend will show up. your loving thoughts towards yourself will attract him because he's been loving himself and longing for you. life will become so much sweeter and all the burdens you shouldered, you will no longer shoulder alone. the companion is as ancient as a sunset but never sets. a bird resting calmly on the waters of your soul even when the waters are rough. welcome him. cherish him. because life just got so much sweeter.