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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Choose The Man Who Will Love You Unconditionally

Choose the man who never stops opening up all parts of you. The man who sees your layers and gently, persistently, helps you reveal and embrace each one. His understanding and patience allow you to explore depths within yourself that you never knew existed.

Choose the man whose touch takes you to places you didn't know existed. His presence is a catalyst for your personal growth, and his touch is a doorway to new realms of pleasure, comfort, and connection. With him, you discover sensations and emotions that transcend the ordinary, leading to profound experiences.

Choose the man whose energy has you aching for more. His vitality and passion ignite a fire within you, inspiring you to live fully and passionately. His energy complements yours, creating a dynamic and exhilarating connection that leaves you wanting more of the beautiful moments you share together.

Choose the man who has taken the time to know your body, mind, and spirit. He appreciates every aspect of who you are, valuing your physical presence, your intellectual insights, and your spiritual essence. This man understands you deeply and cherishes the entirety of your being.

Choose the man you can trust with your soul. His integrity, loyalty, and love provide a safe haven for your most vulnerable self. You feel secure in sharing your deepest fears, dreams, and desires with him, knowing that he will honor and protect your soul with unwavering commitment.

Choose the man who supports your growth and evolution. He encourages you to pursue your passions and dreams, standing by your side through every challenge and triumph. His belief in your potential empowers you to become the best version of yourself.

Choose the man who listens and understands. He is attentive and empathetic, valuing your thoughts and feelings. His ability to listen without judgment creates a space where you feel heard and validated, fostering a deep emotional connection.

Choose the man who loves you unconditionally. He sees your imperfections and loves you not despite them, but because of them. His unconditional love provides a foundation of acceptance and security, allowing you to be completely yourself.

Choose the man who shares your values and dreams. He is aligned with your vision for the future, and together, you build a life based on shared goals and mutual respect. His partnership enriches your journey, making every moment meaningful.

Choose the man who brings joy and laughter into your life. His sense of humor and playfulness lighten your heart and bring happiness to your days. With him, even the simplest moments are filled with joy and delight.

Choose the man who respects your independence. He understands the importance of your individuality and supports your need for personal space and growth. His respect for your independence strengthens your bond, creating a balanced and healthy relationship.

Choose the man who makes you feel cherished and adored. His gestures of love and appreciation remind you daily of your worth and beauty. With him, you feel treasured and celebrated, enhancing your self-love and confidence.

Choosing a man with these qualities, you embrace a relationship filled with depth, passion, and unwavering support. This partnership becomes a source of strength, joy, and profound fulfillment.

- Abhikesh

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Winter’s Kiss

the fear of him 

made her feel alive 

winter crawled under her skin

she welcomed the feeling

something familiar about being alive

when cold fingers touch you

she couldn't anticipate where it was headed 

or how it would end

but there was definitely something very familiar 

with the way he held her

kissed her

it woke up in her

a silent knowing

that he was sunshine and warmth

a safe place

to just be herself 

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Bridge

"Someone can be madly in love with you. And still not be ready. 

They can love you in a way you have never been loved.

And still not join you on the bridge. And whatever their reasons you must leave. 

Because you never ever have to inspire anyone to meet you on the bridge. You never ever have to convince someone to do the work to be ready. 

There is more extraordinary love. More love that you have never seen. Out here in this wide and wild Universe. And there is the love that will be ready.”

( Nayyirah Waheed - 'The Bridge' )

Sunday, June 9, 2024

All or Nothing

She is very clear about who she is. She doesn't pretend to be something she's not. What you see is what you get. Don't be surprised if one day she's sweet and kind, but slander her behind her back or let her down in a big way and it's over for you. She won't call. She won't go out of her way for you ever again. She won't pretend that at one time you were friends. You never have to guess how she feels about you. She's clear and to the point. She doesn't waste her time on those who don't see her value and appreciate her heart. She's not good at pretending anything. She's all or nothing. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Companion

darling, there's someone out there who is a vibrational match to you. someone who will walk with you on your journey... who knows your pain and even your thoughts before you speak them. when two people are doing the innerwork to heal their wounds and long for transformation,  that's when the divine intervenes and brings the two of you together. don't ever feel you have to do this alone. don't ever think that you're the only one that feels pain. we are all connected... vibrating at different frequencies. darling, just keep doing you, and i promise that your soul friend will show up. your loving thoughts towards yourself will attract him because he's been loving himself and longing for you. life will become so much sweeter and all the burdens you shouldered, you will no longer shoulder alone. the companion is as ancient as a sunset but never sets. a bird resting calmly on the waters of your soul even when the waters are rough. welcome him. cherish him. because life just got so much sweeter.