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Sunday, March 5, 2023

My Story: Choosing the Pain Caused by Love


I started my spiritual journey 24 years ago. For me, it was out of necessity. My whole life has been landmarks of supernatural experiences that I could not explain. So, I began to read everything out there... metaphysical, new age, and every religion under the sun.

There was a drastic shift in my spiritual path when I met my twin flame. He was a catalyst for my spiritual growth that led me into the world of mysticism. I fell in love with Rumi, studied Gnosticism, and opened myself up to meditation.

I became addicted to Astral projection and obsessed over my dreams. I withdrew from the world and isolated myself. The dream world became my escape...escape from pain, grief, and depression.

I felt alone most of my life until I met my twin flame. In the beginning, I didn't know anything about twin flames. Spirit has always guided me on my journey, leading me to the right book, place, or person.

My experiences started to make sense as I began to have synchronicities. My research over the years did give me answers. As the saying goes, we are all chosen but only a few answer the call. I answered the call. And yes, at times my life has been a living hell. I still battle depression and the wounds from all my battles I own.

There is no easy way through this journey... just an inner voice, intuition, and the unconditional love I feel from my twin flame that's getting me through this.

I literally take one day at a time... pray, meditate, and do yoga. A lot of tears I've shed. A lot of doors I've closed. All for the sake of this journey that is healing me and expanding my soul.

Forgiveness is the most valuable thing you can give yourself and others. We are all trying to navigate through this journey... each of us with a unique calling and path. Pay attention to Spirit, not the world. Pay attention to your heart's longings and gain awareness of your thoughts so you can master yourself. If not now? Then when? When death arrives, it will be too late. The wheel of samsara is always in motion. You must learn yourself and the divinity that dwells within.

As a twin soul, find union within. Find this, and you will know what I know. No one lives in this world without pain... that's why choosing the pain caused by love is the only thing that makes sense on this journey. Love so deep and hard that it breaks you, shatters the ego, and you're left with only your true essence... LOVE.