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Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Four Laws of a Shaman

The first says:

"The person who comes into our life is the right person"

In other words, no one comes into our lives by chance, all the people around us, who interact with us, are there for a reason, to make us learn and advance in each situation.

The second law says:

"What happens is the only thing that could have happened."

Nothing, but nothing, absolutely nothing that happens to us in our lives could have been otherwise.

Not even the most insignificant detail.

There is no: "if I had done such a thing, such another would have happened...".


What happened was the only thing that could have happened and it had to have been so for us to learn that lesson and move on.

Each and every one of the situations that happen to us in our lives are perfect, even if our mind and our ego resist and do not want to accept it.

The third says:

"Anytime it starts is the right time."

Everything starts at the right time, neither before nor after.

When we are ready for something new to start in our lives, that is when it will begin.

And the fourth and last:

"When something ends, it ends."

Just like that.

If something ended in our lives, it is for our evolution, therefore it is betterto leave it, move on and advance already enriched by that experience.

I think it is not by chance that you are reading this, if these words came into our lives today; It's because we're prepared to understand that no snowflake ever falls in the wrong place."

~Author and Artist: Unknown 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Without Him

she feels stronger

now that there's space

between them

for a long time

he was her strength 

her shelter

her reassurance 

that everything would be alright 

but now he's gone

and the space between them

has forced her

to fight on her own

to draw on her own strength 

she feels different 

these days

without him

by her side

she doesn't know 

what to make of it

except that she's now

her own person

without him

holding her together 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Restore Me- Loneliness


Loneliness is a strange sort of thing.

It creeps up on you, quiet and still, sits by your side in the dark, strokes your hair as you sleep. It wraps itself around your bones, squeezing so tight you almost can't breathe, almost can't hear the pulse racing in your blood as it rushes up your skin and touches its lips to the soft hairs at the back of your neck. It leaves lies in your heart, lies next to you at night, leaches the light out from every corner. It's a constant companion, clasping your hand only to yank you down when you're struggling to stand up, catching your tears only to force them down your throat. It scares you simply by standing by your side.

You wake up in the morning and wonder who you are. You fail to fall asleep at night and tremble in your skin. You dought you doubt 

do I

don't I

should I

why won't I

And even when you're ready to let go. When you're ready to break free. When you're ready to be brand-new. Loneliness is an old friend standing beside you in the mirror, looking you in the eye, challenging you to live your life without it. You can't find the words to fight yourself, to fight the words screaming that you're not enough never enough never ever enough.

Loneliness is a bitter, wretched companion.

Sometimes it just won't let go.

~ Excerpt from Restore Me, Tahereh Mafi

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Your Thoughts Are in Your Power

"Your thoughts are completely in your power. You can turn them in any direction you want. Sometimes your thoughts may run wild and fly to areas from which you should keep away. Nevertheless, it is within your power to take your thoughts in hand, even against their will, and direct them to the true path.

Thought is like a horse that gallops off the road and tries to go in the wrong direction. The rider controls the horse with the bridle, forcing it to go in the right direction. As soon as you see your thoughts pulling in the wrong direction, take them in hand and bring them back in the right direction."

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov - Likutey Moharan II, 50

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Love the Pain Away


I had it all wrong

Some wounds can never be cleaned out

That's the truth

No matter how much reflection 

Inner work


I do

There's always a hardness

About me

That I recognize 

Caused by unbelievable amounts 

Of emotional and mental pain

I know I'm broken

I know no one can fix me

All I can do

Is love myself

To the best of my ability 

And show myself some grace

And maybe

One day

My days of remembering my pain

Will be balanced out

By the days I did my best

To love the pain away 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

A Graveyard of Memories


her emotions 

spill out of her eyes

so much sadness 

buried in her chest

memories that haunt her

she lives

in a graveyard 

of his memories 

there’s no movement 

no sound

except for the emotions 

that she wipes

from her ghostly face

Sunday, March 5, 2023

My Story: Choosing the Pain Caused by Love


I started my spiritual journey 24 years ago. For me, it was out of necessity. My whole life has been landmarks of supernatural experiences that I could not explain. So, I began to read everything out there... metaphysical, new age, and every religion under the sun.

There was a drastic shift in my spiritual path when I met my twin flame. He was a catalyst for my spiritual growth that led me into the world of mysticism. I fell in love with Rumi, studied Gnosticism, and opened myself up to meditation.

I became addicted to Astral projection and obsessed over my dreams. I withdrew from the world and isolated myself. The dream world became my escape...escape from pain, grief, and depression.

I felt alone most of my life until I met my twin flame. In the beginning, I didn't know anything about twin flames. Spirit has always guided me on my journey, leading me to the right book, place, or person.

My experiences started to make sense as I began to have synchronicities. My research over the years did give me answers. As the saying goes, we are all chosen but only a few answer the call. I answered the call. And yes, at times my life has been a living hell. I still battle depression and the wounds from all my battles I own.

There is no easy way through this journey... just an inner voice, intuition, and the unconditional love I feel from my twin flame that's getting me through this.

I literally take one day at a time... pray, meditate, and do yoga. A lot of tears I've shed. A lot of doors I've closed. All for the sake of this journey that is healing me and expanding my soul.

Forgiveness is the most valuable thing you can give yourself and others. We are all trying to navigate through this journey... each of us with a unique calling and path. Pay attention to Spirit, not the world. Pay attention to your heart's longings and gain awareness of your thoughts so you can master yourself. If not now? Then when? When death arrives, it will be too late. The wheel of samsara is always in motion. You must learn yourself and the divinity that dwells within.

As a twin soul, find union within. Find this, and you will know what I know. No one lives in this world without pain... that's why choosing the pain caused by love is the only thing that makes sense on this journey. Love so deep and hard that it breaks you, shatters the ego, and you're left with only your true essence... LOVE.


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Deeper You Are

The deeper you are, the harder it becomes for you to find someone who wants to have a relationship with you. You can go out on a lot of dates but at some point the relationship fails to progress any further and that is mainly because of the intensity of your depth. Not every man is strong enough to handle a deep woman. Here’s why:

1. A deep woman asks deep questions. A deep woman will probe further into your life and ask questions that you may not be prepared to answer. Even on the first date, she will dig deeper and ask personal and philosophical questions – she will never enjoy a shallow conversation.

2. She is honest. Too honest – often blunt. A deep woman takes her integrity seriously and one thing she believes in is honesty. If you ask her anything, she will tell you the truth and she expects the same from you.

3. A deep woman knows what she wants. Or who she wants. A deep woman knows right away if she likes you and doesn’t need to date around or explore her other options to be sure of her feelings. Her heart only beats for a special few people and she knows them right away.

4. She wants a deep relationship. She wants long conversations about your life, she wants to hear stories about your past, she wants to understand your pain and she wants to add value to your life. She wants a real relationship that goes beyond going out and having fun.

5. A deep woman is not afraid of intimacy. She is not afraid of getting closer or risking getting hurt in the process. She doesn’t think it will entrap her freedom or make her vulnerable. Her depth and intimacy go hand in hand and she will always cherish the beauty of intimacy in relationships.

6. A deep woman sees through you. She can see who you really are and what makes you vulnerable. She is not the one to hold back from pointing out what she sees in you or how well she can read you. Even though it makes you uncomfortable, she wants you to know that she understands you and that you can be yourself around her.

- Unknown