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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

You Don’t Deserve the Attention

It was an imperfect ending

With no goodbyes

Or explanation 

Just a I don't give a fuck

About your pain

It has taken me a long time

To realize

You don't deserve

The attention 

I give you

And how I need to stop

Feeding your ego

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Twin Flame Journey- Why Twin Flames Feel Married to Each Other


If twin flames were just the unified soul, things would likely be less complicated, because much of the bullshit we perseverate on in this world goes away at the soul level. The complication comes from being a soul in two forms. It’s even more complicated when those two forms are incarnate are the same time and even more complicated yet, if those two forms happen to encounter each other. And of course, the first place trophy for most complicated aspect of twin flames is when one of them realizes the connection and what it means, while the other does not, might be married to someone else, and walks away, as if their twin flame means nothing to them. There are times we all give the universe some serious side eye and ask, in an exasperated tone, “Seriously?!?”


You feel like you’re married because you are. Welcome to the wonderful world of hieros gamos. Hieros gamos is derived from Greek and means holy marriage or sacred union between gods and goddesses or divine masculine and divine feminine.

There are all kinds of articles out there about hieros gamos and they are all interesting reads, but when it comes right down to it, stripped of all the fantastic imagery and mystique, in the context of twin flames, it is the oneness of the soul’s energy. It is very much a marriage, even more so than how marriages have been understood in this world. In this world, marriages are a union of separateness for a period of time and always have loopholes and escape clauses. In the sacred union, it is a union of one, eternal and nothing can sever it.

If you want a practical image of sacred union, (I might have used this metaphor before, but it’s good so I’m using it again) Imagine a bucket being filled with ocean water and then placing the bucket on the sand of the beach. Look at the water as the soul and the ocean as a body and in the bucket as aspects of the divine masculine or feminine. It really doesn’t matter if you think of the water in the bucket or the ocean as divine masculine or feminine. After a while, pour the water, which is in the bucket, back into the ocean. The ocean water in the bucket was never any less ocean while in the bucket and when it returns to the ocean, it is all still ocean. Sacred union is recognizing that you and your twin are the same ocean water regardless of the bucket’s separation.


Separation is an illusion of the matrix in which we live. When twin flames incarnate in this world, we walk in our avatars and experience life from the perspectives of each. Twin flames experience the differences of the matrix, while at the same time have the undercurrent of reality within them in the soul they share.

If the ocean in my metaphor were to be conscious and articulate how it feels in the bucket, it might believe it was a different kind of water and perhaps look longingly at the ocean in its natural state. It might even believe it was separate from the ocean. You could sit all day on that sandy beach, and tell the water in the bucket that it is the ocean and until it understands, it will focus on the wood, rivets, handle, wax and whatever else might compose the bucket. The bucket is very important and serves a purpose in the matrix, but it doesn’t make the ocean within, a different kind of water than the ocean.

And let’s be mindful that there are twin flames who are in relationships with each other, in which there is no separation, or at least, separation might appear different than what we expect.


As separate beings in this world, we have free will and that includes whether we wish to interact with our twin flame. Free will of the two forms ends when we complete our journey of life; when the bucket is emptied of its water. Destiny is nothing more than the ocean returning to the ocean. Sometimes, destiny has the water poured back into the ocean. Other times, the water in the bucket may evaporate into the clouds and return with rain. One way or another, ocean returns to ocean.


Realizing you’re a twin flame and being in separation is rough, regardless of it being an illusion. That feeling of being married to your twin flame is because in your soul, you are; just as the ocean water in a bucket is married to the ocean in that they are one and the same.

~ Dr. Danielle Burke

Thursday, May 19, 2022

When All You Know is Falling Apart


When all you know
Is falling apart
And putting yourself
Back together
On your own
No one there to catch you
No one to tell you
It'll be okay
It's hard to imagine
A man coming along
And holding space
For your pain
For years
You've been doing it
You're emotionally strong
And more than capable
Of being there for yourself
But how nice it would be
To really know the safety of a man's arms

Monday, May 16, 2022

The Twin of Her Soul


She hurts in a way that nobody would understand.

Her heart wasn't given a choice..

It fell in love with an unattainable man.

Over the years she tried to move on..

Married, divorced, dated.

But for some reason her heart strings are tied to a man she met over twenty years ago.

She still dreams about him, which only adds to her pain.

Her soul feels connected to him in a way that's unlike any other she's ever met.

When she's alone, tears of sadness surface and she cries without really understanding why, except her heart longs for him.

All because of a chance encounter years ago that set her heart on fire.

She's alone another night with the haunting memory of his face keeping her up.

She's learned to live with the pain and even convinced herself he's not real, but in the depths of her soul she knows the truth..

He is the one..

The one shes been longing for..

The twin of her soul.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Express Yourself Fully

 Dear self,

When was the moment that you first started doubting yourself?
When was the moment that you disappeared and started to silence and suppress yourself?
When was the moment that you stopped believing in your dreams, goals and ambitions and gave up on them?
When was the moment that your hope crumbled?
And when was the moment that you forgot your potential, who you were and all that you were capable of?
Perhaps it was when you became trapped in the mindset
Of comparing yourself to others
And feeling caged by their opinions
And restricted by their judgments.
Perhaps it was when you experienced loss, disappointment and failure
Or perhaps it was when you allowed your fear, uncertainty and insecurities
To stunt your growth and stop you from taking action.
But I want you to remember
That you don’t have to be a brilliant artist
To draw or paint
You don’t have to be a bestselling author
To write well and express yourself fully
You don’t have to be a perfect person
To share your work with the world
And you don’t need approval and permission from all of those around you
To follow your dreams.
All that you require
Is your own self-expression
Your own authenticity
Your own beauty, love, light and magic
And your own willingness and courage to try.
I hope you appreciate
That only you know the melody of your soul
Only you know the inner longings of your heart
Only you know the dreams and desires
Coursing through your veins
And only you are capable of expressing them
And bringing them into reality.
And so
I hope you choose to silence the voice of self-doubt
That prevents you from expressing yourself fully
I hope you will be brave enough to share your voice
And express yourself authentically
And I hope you understand
That there is no greater pain
Than having your song go unsung
Your story go unwritten
And your life go unlived
And that the world needs more people
Who pursue the things that bring them joy
And make them come alive.
~Tahlia Hunter
Excerpt from “A Year Of Love Letters To Myself: 365 Passages Of Self-Love, Healing And Encouragement.” Get your copy at this link:

Monday, May 9, 2022



He was the woundmate

Recreating past relationships 


Unaware until the day comes 

When you are unrecognizable 

Even to yourself

Because he's taken all your pieces

And destroyed them

Sometimes rock bottom

In a relationship 

Is a wake up call

Letting you know that it's never to late

To make changes

Woundmates show us

The unhealed parts of ourselves 

Telling you

It's time to break the karmic cycle and heal

Saturday, May 7, 2022

The Twin Flame Journey: Naked


There are no rules about twin flames always have similar apearance ,they can  look very different...They are often different race or nationality, culture ,so the appearance can be very different. They are often “odd couples” - different age, short and tall, skinny and large, light skin and dark skin etc. 

If you look the same - this can be considered a synchronicity, and additional sign of TFs, but similar appearance does not make you TFs automatically - it is more typical for Romantic Soulmates who chose highly compatible bodies as they have marriage or long-term relationship soul contract. But even Romantic Soulmates can chose to be born in different races or countries/cultures if they have “building bridges” mission.

When one meets a soulmate, they are essentially meeting a friend whom they can confide in, whom they feel connected to right off the bat, someone who makes them feel good, who is always there for them and with whom they feel happy and lighthearted. Meeting a soulmate is like meeting a good old friend whom you have not seen in a while and now have a chance to "hang out with". 

A Twin Flame meeting is unlike anything you've ever experienced before.

When you meet your twin flame, time stops, your heart beats faster, and you may feel yourself being pulled into a void, almost as if you are being pulled out of your body and are being drawn to this person standing before you. Both of you may feel lightheaded, and even nauseous. For a split moment you may feel as if nothing else exists, except the two of you. There is an instant recognition, the "AHA" moment, incredible attraction and at the same time deep fear and suspicion arising out of nowhere with a "flight or fight" reaction overtaking your whole body. 

A feeling of wanting to run into their arms and at the same time run as far away from them as possible. The problem is that you can do neither. All you can do is ALLOW. As if guided by some higher universal power gently pushing both in the direction of each other, twin flames have a lot of work cut out for them in this lifetime, work that only they can do, work that requires both to be fully present and ready to undertake a role in this incarnation that will affect not only their own lives, but lives of millions, even billions of people on earth. But before the mission that they have come to complete in this lifetime begins, they must first face the deepest and most darkest parts of their own selves reflected back to them by the absolute mirror of their soul - their other half - their twin flame.

 Both are stopped in their tracks and are forced to see each other NAKED.The experience is full of action, no time is wasted as each one assists the other in letting go, releasing all the baggage of the past and moving through very turbulent adjustments together.Many times twin flames separate, due to passion filled arguments and misunderstandings, and yet they seem unable to fully let go and come back to each other, time and time again. Where each time they re-unite builds in intensity over and over again, finally reaching a culmination point of no return💞🌌

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      C ø N T I ñ U E T õ b Ľ 0 S s ♡ M ☯️

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

NEW RELEASE: The Fire in a Woman's Belly II


anger is powerful

it can swallow you up

or it can anchor you

into change

be the change

your soul is begging you to be

be the woman

this broken world

desperately needs

allow anger

to transmute

scars into beauty


pain into self-love 

and translate its energies

through you

from the wounded woman

with the ability to heal herself

and a newfound power

to heal others

My poetry book, The Fire in a Woman's Belly II is now available on Amazon. The Fire in a Woman's Belly II (The Fire in a Woman's Belly: A Poetry Collection): 9798813194085: Meadows, Madison: Books